Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada



Federal institution:
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
644 Main Street
Post Office Box 6051
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1C 9J8

Ministers responsible:
The Honourable Peter G. MacKay, P.C., M.P.
The Honourable Keith Ashfield, P.C., M.P.

Senior officials and managers responsible for implementation of section 41 of OLA:
President Monique Collette
Executive Vice-President Paul J. LeBlanc
OL ADM Committee Hermel Vienneau
OL Champion Alex Smith
Manager Kurt Inder

General mandate of Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency:
“To increase opportunity for economic development in Atlantic Canada and, more particularly, to enhance the growth of earned incomes and employment opportunities in that region.”

National coordinator responsible for implementation of section 41:
Ghislaine Savoie
Community Development Officer

Regional coordinators:
Marie Thibeault
Account Manager

Stéphane Cyr
Account Manager

Geoffrey Allen
Development Officer

Wayne Quilty
Manager, ACOA Field Operations


Summary of Progress Expected During the Period Covered by the Action Plan

ACOA takes various steps to educate all its employees on linguistic duality at the Agency by offering information sessions on the application of Official Languages in the delivery of the Agency’s programs; workshops; publication of articles on the intranet; and providing information on Official Languages Minority Communities (OLMC) through written articles, newspapers, etc. Senior Management will continue to fully support linguistic duality through its participation at CADMOL, the work of its OL Champion, the delivery of programs via Part VII on OL and continuing awareness amongst its employees.


ACOA will continue to work closely with the OLMCs by meeting regularly with minority community representatives to ensure that each party fully understands the Agency’s mandate, programs and priorities. ACOA will consult with the francophone minority in order to obtain its views in the development of new programs and initiatives.

ACOA will inform francophone communities about its activities through the publication of information and reports in both official languages via the Agency’s website and in the publication of news releases in the OLMC’s print media. ACOA will also write articles in PCH 41-42 bulletins on a regular basis.

Coordination and liaison

The Agency will continue to participate with other federal institutions in activities and committees such as the National Community for Economic Development and Employability, the Committee of Assistant Deputy Ministers on Official Languages, other Regional Development Agencies and a number of regional committees in order to enhance the development of francophone minority communities.

Funding and program delivery
ACOA considers the needs of the OLMCs in the delivery of its programs and initiatives through the constant interaction and collaboration between the OL coordinators both at the national and regional offices and also via its contribution agreements with the Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs) and the Regional Economic Development Organizations (REDOs).


The Agency has adapted its reporting and planning activities to include the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act. Also, current systems such as QAccess will be modified to reflect all OL activities in the processing of files and reporting of activities. The Agency continues to report its results annually to Canadian Heritage. 


Detailed action plan


(In-house activities)
[Training, information, orientation, awareness, communication and other activities carried out in-house in order to educate employees and/or senior managers of the federal institution about linguistic duality and the priorities of OLMCs; senior manager performance contracts and recognition programs; consideration of the viewpoints of OLMCs in research, studies and investigations carried out in-house.]

Expected result:
Creation of lasting changes in federal institution organizational culture; employees and management are aware of and understand their responsibilities regarding section 41 of the Official Languages Act and OLMCs.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
The Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) responsible for official languages will regularly inform the Agency’s Executive Committee of the responsibilities and initiatives related to the implementation of Part VII and section 41 of the Official Languages Act (OLA).

Expected Outputs

Presentations on the implementation of section 41 and related activities.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

Decisions by Senior Management regarding the Agency’s programming and the organization culture reflect Part VII of the OLA.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
The official languages champion will coordinate the publication of articles and collaborate with the ADM in the overall promotion of section 41 of the OLA.

Expected Outputs

Publication of articles relating to section 41 will be published on the Agency’s intranet site.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result
Awareness of the OLA throughout the Agency and its application in the delivery of programs.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result

  • ACOA will establish a communication strategy to advise its staff in regards to the Economic Development Initiative (EDI).
  • Development of a revised Official Languages Policy, specifically pertaining to Part VII of the Official Languages Act and a Management Framework for the delivery of the EDI resulting from the government of Canada’s Action Plan on Official Languages.
  • Publication of key OLMC and francophonie related articles in the Agency’s intranet website.

Expected Outputs

  • Presentations, e-mails and articles on the Agency’s intranet.
  • Yearly and punctual tours of ACOA offices to deliver information sessions to Account Managers on a yearly basis and on an as-required basis on the Agency’s Official Languages Policy as it pertains to Part VII of the OLA and the implementation of the EDI.
  • Regular communication with ACOA employees regarding information on the application of official languages in the client files and on key activities in the OLMCs.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • Development Officers and Account Managers are aware of the OL Policy and section 41 and able to apply it the delivery of the Agency’s programs. Regular feedback via questionnaire or survey will be used to measure the various levels of awareness
  • Employee and/or senior managers’ awareness of OLA in relation to the priorities of OLMCs.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result
The Agency, through its regional offices will:

  • Provide training to employees, Account managers on the application of the OLA.
  • Provide information to Agency employees and management on the application of the OLA as well as the priorities of the OLMCs.
  • Communicate and share information with their respective Official Languages Committees.
  • Promote learning through articles on OLMCs during weekly “French Wednesdays” and through occasional French “pause-café”.
  • Promote and maintain the francophone section of regional intranet sites.
  • Subscribe and distribute French magazines and newspapers to employees.

Expected Outputs

  • Workshops on the OLA in partnership with the Canada School of Public Service.
  • On-line training for new staff members.
  • Punctual meetings with ACOA managers and Account Managers working in Community Economic Development to discuss OLMC priority files and proposals submitted to ACOA.
  • Presentations to the designated bilingual CBDCs and associations regarding their official languages responsibilities as recipients of ACOA funding and their responsibility to ensure the provision of and service to the public in both official languages.
  • Regular meetings to discuss OLMC related issues.
  • Weekly e-mail messages sent to ACOA staff in collaboration with other Agency offices.
  • Publication of articles on various OLMC initiatives.
  • Subscriptions to French print media.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • Degree of awareness of the employees and Account Managers regarding Section 41 of the OLA and its application on the Agency’s programs.
  • Awareness is created among the designated bilingual CBDCs and associations of CBDCs as it relates to their obligations under Parts IV and VII of the OLA.
  • Continuous OLMC cultural learning for staff, thus increasing their awareness of client needs and priorities.
  • Increased dialogue and continuous use of both official languages in the workplace.
  • Increased awareness of Agency staff of francophone economic development partners as well as various francophone development groups advocating on behalf of the Acadian and francophone communities. Currency of publication and content of site.
  • Increase awareness of employees on the activities and events in the francophone communities and its relation to their development priorities.



(Sharing of ideas and information with OLMCs)
[Activities (e.g. committees, discussions and meetings) through which the federal institution consults the OLMCs and interacts with them to identify their needs and priorities or to understand potential impacts on their development; activities (e.g. round tables and working groups) to explore possibilities for cooperation within the existing mandate of the federal institution or as part of developing a new program or new policy; participation in consultations with OLMCs coordinated by other government bodies; consultation of OLMCs by regional offices to determine their concerns and needs.]

Expected result:
Creation of lasting relationships between the federal institution and OLMCs; federal institution and OLMCs understand each other's needs and mandates

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
The national and/or regional coordinators will participate in annual and other meetings of the OLMCs representative organizations in each region.

Expected Outputs

The Agency will become fully aware of the OLMC priorities, needs and concerns and identify possible collaborations.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

Degree of understanding of the respective needs and mandates. Solid partnerships are established between community associations and ACOA personnel.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
The Agency will meet with the “Réseau de development et d’employabilité” (RDEE) and its affiliate organizations, to identify needs and understand potential development opportunities of the OLMCs.

Expected Outputs

Quarterly meetings.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • The RDEE-ACOA committee has elaborated an action plan that reflects the needs and priorities of both organizations.
  • Degree of understanding of the RDEE and the Agency’s mandate and number of collaboration in providing service delivery to OLMC.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result

  • The Agency, through its regional offices, will maintain regular communication with OLMC partners such as:
    • Société de développement de la Baie Acadienne
    • Société éducative de l’Ile-du-Prince- Édouard
    • Société Saint-Thomas d’Aquin
    • Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité de l’Ile-du-Prince-Édouard
    • Fédération des francophones de Terre- Neuve-et-Labrador
    • Association régional de la côte ouest
    • Association francophone du Labrador
    • Franco-jeunes Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
    • Association francophone de St-Johns
    • Réseau de développement économique de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
    • Conseil Économique du Nouveau-Brunswick
    • l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnels du Nouveau-Brunswick
    • RADarts
    • la Société des Acadiens et Acadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick
    • Centre scolaire Samuel-de-Champlain, Saint-John
    • Fédération des jeunes francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick
    • Réseau Femmes en affaires
    • Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse
    • Centre d’aide en affaires et en entrepreneuriat
    • Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité de la Nouvelle-Écosse
    • Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle- Écosse
    • South West Shore Development Agency
    • Yarmouth Regional Business Corporation
    • Municipalité de Clare
    • Municipalité d’Argyle
    • Société Promotion Grand-Pré
    • Conseil jeunesse provincial de la Nouvelle-Écosse
  • Participate in OLMC partner annual general meetings (AGM).
  • Participate in OLMC consultation exercises
  • Participate in OLMC-led conferences / forums

Expected Outputs

  • Attendance at board meetings and at annual general meeting.
  • Minutes of the meetings.
  • Punctual meetings with OLMC coordinating groups to discuss possible collaboration.
  • Attendance at OLMC partner AGM.
  • Participation in OLMC consultations.
  • Participation in OLMC-led conferences/ forums

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • Maintenance of a good working relationship through continuous dialogue with the communities.
  • Degree of understanding of respective need, mandates and the priority files of the OLMC groups. Number of collaborations.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result
In collaboration with the CBDCs, attend or organize annual meetings to discuss possible joint activities to understand the needs and priorities of the OLMCs organizations.

Expected Outputs
The OLMCs are consulted, informed and provided opportunity to inquire about the activities of the CBDCs.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result
Increased awareness of the OLMCs with regard to the services offered by the CBDCs.



(Transmission of information to OLMCs)
[External communications activities to inform OLMCs about the activities, programs and policies of the federal institution and to promote the bilingual character of Canada; inclusion of OLMCs in all information and distribution lists; use of the federal institution's Web site to communicate with OLMCs.]

Expected result: 
OLMC culture reflects a broad understanding of the federal institution's mandate; OLMCs receive up-to-date and relevant information about the federal institution's programs and services (P&S). 

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result

  • Publication of articles of interest to OLMCs.
  • Publication of the Agency’s programs, priorities and initiatives.

Expected Outputs

  • Articles in Canadian Heritage 41/42 Bulletin.
  • Information on ACOA’s website.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • The OLMCs are informed of the various activities of the Agency in the Atlantic Region.
  • OLMCs are aware of the Agency’s programs, priorities, reports and action plans. OLMCs reference website information when making inquiries.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result

  • The Agency, through its regional offices, will ensure that internal and external communications reflect the needs of the OLMCs such as:
  • Advertisement, promotional material and websites are made available in both official languages by designated CBDCs and associations.
  • Presentations, advertisement, exhibits, forums, media relations, consultations and public opinion research are available to OLMCs.
  • Sessions to OLMCs on the services offered by the Canada Business New Brunswick office.
  • Promotion of activities of interest to OLMCS.

Expected Outputs

  • The OLMCs are able to access information regarding CBDC programs and services, in the language of their choice, from CBDCs that are designated bilingual.
  • Regular presentations.
  • News releases and articles.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • OLMCs receive information on activities and programs as well as promotional materials.
  • Number of presentations to OLMCs.
  • News releases and articles are available to OLMCs through the French print media.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result

  • Ongoing use of provincial francophone media such as Le Courrier de la Nouvelle-Écosse, l’Acadie Nouvelle, le Gaboteur, La Voix Acadienne.
  • Identification of success stories within the francophone community.

Expected Outputs

  • Ongoing coverage of ACOA events and announcements in francophone media.
  • Publication of community success stories on the Agency’s intranet and in the Canadian Heritage Bulletin 41/42.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • Greater promotion of Agency activities to OLMCs through francophone media. Number of articles published.
  • Progress will be measured by the number of published success stories within the francophone community and as identified by the Agency, for addition to its bank of success stories.



(Does not include funding – Internal coordination and liaison with other government institutions)
[Coordination activities (research, studies, meetings, etc.) carried out by the federal institution itself along with other federal institutions or other orders of government; participation in activities organized by other federal institutions, other orders of government, etc.; participation of official languages champions, national and regional coordinators, and others in various government forums.]

Expected result: 
Co-operation with multiple partners to enhance OLMC development and vitality and to share best practices.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result

  • The national coordinator will continue to facilitate the work of the network of regional coordinators.
  • The national coordinator will participate in the national network of coordinators.
  • ACOA will participate on the National Committee on Economic Development and Employability.

Expected Outputs

  • Attendance at meetings and conference calls.
  • Attendance at quarterly meetings.
  • Attendance at quarterly meetings and conference calls.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • Sharing of best practices from the discussions both at the national and regional level. Number of best practices adopted.
  • Sharing of best practices with other federal departments. Presentations on the initiatives of the Agency in the implementation of Part VII of the OLA.
  • Collaboration and exchange of information in OLMC development.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
ACOA will participate in the EDI implementation committee with Industry Canada and the Regional Development Agencies.

Expected Outputs
Attendance at quarterly meetings and conference calls

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result
Sharing of best practices and reporting on the number of initiative/projects undertaken under the EDI.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result

  • The ADM responsible for Official Languages chairs the New Brunswick Federal Council.
  • The ADM responsible for Official Languages participates on the Committee of Assistant Deputy Minister of Official Languages.

Expected Outputs
Attendance at meetings and conference calls.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • The ADM, namely the Vice-President of ACOA New Brunswick, participates in the development of official language objectives at the New Brunswick Federal Council table in the implementation of the government's commitment to develop and support the growth of the linguistic minority communities. The ACOA Vice-Presidents in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island, acting as chairs of their respective federal councils, also have a direct link to their regions support and commitment to OLMCs.
  • Greater awareness of initiatives undertaken and avoid potentially conflicting approaches between departments by having regular high-level discussions.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result

  • The Agency through its regional offices will actively participate with other levels of government in official languages related committees such as:
    • Newfoundland and Labrador Francophone Affairs Steering Committee (FASC).
    • New Brunswick federal departments and community table committee.
    • PEI Tripartite official language Committee
    • Nova Scotia’s Conseil Consultatif sur le tourisme acadien.
    • Participating in official languages sub-committee of the four Atlantic Federal Council offices.

Expected Outputs

  • Attendance at meetings and conferences calls.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • Sharing of information and best practices on the implementation of Part VII of the OLA, through regional activities in the federal departments.
  • Enhanced cooperation between federal departments in the development of OLMCs (i.e. joint projects).



[Implementation of the federal institution's programs and delivery of its services; funding, alone or in cooperation with other federal institutions, of OLMC projects; inclusion of the needs of OLMCs in the delivery of the federal institution's programs and services.]

Expected result: 
OLMCs are part of the federal institution's regular clientele and have adequate access to its programs and services; OLMC needs (e.g. geographic dispersion and development opportunities) are taken into account.

Planned activities to achieve the expected result

  • The Agency will work diligently with the OLMCs to pursue and support projects under the EDI.
  • The ACOA regional and district offices will ensure continuous collaboration with the OLMC..

New Brunswick:

  • Implementation of the Francophone Immigration Project under the Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality: 2008-2013.
  • In collaboration with the CBDCs, develop a performance measurement framework for the provision of services in both official languages from designated CBDCs.

Expected Outputs

  • Consultations and dialogue with the OLMC groups.
  • Various meetings to explore possible projects..

New Brunswick:

  • Information sessions to OLMC. Opening of Francophone immigration centres.
  • The OLMCs are provided with the access to services of the CBDCs in the official language of their choice, as per contractual obligations in those CBDCs that are designated bilingual.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

  • Number of projects and partnerships established under the EDI.
  • Number of projects under the existing programs.

New Brunswick:

  • Number of information sessions Number of francophone immigration centres.
  • Designated CBDCs will be able to provide the public with services in both official languages.


[Activities through which the federal institution integrates its work on the implementation of section 41 of the OLA into departmental planning and accountability mechanisms (e.g. report on plans and priorities, departmental performance report, departmental business plan and status report on implementation of section 41 of the OLA); internal audits and evaluations of programs and services; regular review of programs and services as well as policies by senior managers of the federal institution to ensure implementation of section 41 of the OLA.]

Expected result: 
Full integration of the OLMC perspective and section 41 of the OLA into the federal institution's policies, programs and services; the reporting structure, internal evaluations and policy reviews determine how to better integrate OLMCs’ perspective.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
Reporting all activities on official languages related projects in ACOA’s QAccess system.

Expected Outputs

Modification to current system.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

System has been modified to report official languages related projects.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
Internal planning process in collaboration with its 41 coordinators to assist the OLMCs in their development.

Expected Outputs

  • Quarterly meetings with the 41 coordinators.
  • Conference calls.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result
Sharing of information, best practices and ideas in the implementation of section 41 initiatives.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
Preparing annual report to measure the investments toward the OLMCs.

Expected Outputs

Collection of data.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

Data is collected, reviewed and submitted to Canadian Heritage and the OLMCs on an annual basis.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
Collecting and reporting of data in accordance with the performance indicators under the EDI.

Expected Outputs

Annual reports.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

The number of partnerships and projects approved meet the targets set under the performance evaluation of the EDI.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
Collection and reporting of data in accordance with the performance indicators under the Agency’s Performance Management Strategy.

Expected Outputs

Annual performance reports.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

The number of partnerships and projects with the OLMC meet the targets as set out in the Agency’s Performance Management Strategy.

Planned activities  to achieve the expected result
Establishing a framework for the delivery and implementation of the EDI..

Expected Outputs

EDI framework is implemented.

Indicators to measure progress in achieving the expected result

Targets as set out in the EDI framework are achieved.

Distribution List

  • Clerk of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages
  • Clerk of the Senate Standing Committee on Official Languages
  • Commissioner of Official Languages
  • Community organizations
    • RDÉE New Brunswick
    • RDÉE Newfoundland and Labrador
    • RDÉE Prince Edward Island
    • RDÉE Nova Scotia
    • Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick (CÉNB)
    • Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (CDÉNÉ)
    • Société de développement de la Baie Acadienne (SDBA)
    • Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve-et-du-Labrador (FFTNL)
    • Société de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (SANB)
    • Fédération Acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse (FANE)
    • Société nationale de l’Acadie (SNA)
    • Société Saint-Thomas d’Aquin (SSTA)
The Report on Results for 2008-2009 is also available on the Agency’s website at: