Flu (influenza)

Causes, symptoms, risks, treatment, prevention, surveillance information and guidance for health professionals.

Services and information


What causes the flu and how it is spread.


What to look for and what to do if you become ill.


What the risks are and who is most at risk.


Diagnosis and treatment of the flu.


How to prevent the flu.


Flu monitoring.

For health professionals

Detailed information for health professionals.

Flu clinics

Find a clinic in your province or territory that provides the flu vaccine and related information.

Awareness resources

Education resources, publications and partner information.

What we are doing


Find flu clinics and resources from across Canada

Click on the map to find out what your province or territory is doing to help you fight the flu this year.

Get the CANImmunize App

Use the free CANImmunize app to keep track of your vaccinations.

The flu: don't pass it on!

See how easily the flu spreads by watching this short video.

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