About Canada.ca

Canada.ca helps you find Government of Canada information and services on any device, including computers, tablets and smart phones.

There are many government departments and agencies, and it is sometimes difficult to know who does what. Try the most popular topics, found in the top menu bar, to get pointed in the right direction.

If you prefer to browse by department or agency, check out the Departments and Agencies search page.

The Government of Canada is focused on results. We conduct usability testing with Canadians on a regular basis to help us better understand how you look for things on Canada.ca, and to see if the way we organized the information makes it easy to find and understand.

Departments and agencies are in the process of changing the way they write on their websites, to make things easier to understand. There is a lot to consider. To learn more, check out the Canada.ca Content Style Guide.

Please let us know what you think about Canada.ca. We are always interested in your suggestions to make things better. Reach out to us at info@canada.ca.

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