Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Fraudulent emails and phone calls - Protect yourself!

CSIS contacts people via telephone as part of our mandate, but will never offer to unlock computers subject to ransomware. Canadians should be aware of a scam where access to your phone or computer is being requested by someone claiming to be from CSIS. Find out more about these scams.

CSIS 101

At the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, we are aware of the special role with which we have been entrusted by Canadians.

CSIS is at the forefront of Canada's national security community. We collect intelligence and investigate potential threats to the security of Canada.

Our work informs government policy and decision-makers, helps police disrupt terrorist plots, reduces the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and counters espionage threats. Most importantly, we protect our country.

Our security screening activities help to prevent people who pose a security threat from entering Canada or accessing sensitive government sites and assets.

As a leader in the intelligence community, we work with domestic and international partners to ensure the security of Canadians at home and abroad.

We conduct investigations and develop sources of information. Our work is classified to protect our methods, our operations and our people.

CSIS operations are governed by the rule of law, and we use our legally granted powers to the extent strictly necessary. Furthermore, all of our operational activities are subject to review and oversight.

Our work reflects the values of Canadian society and we are privileged to contribute to a safer and stronger Canada.

Canada's top 100 Employers 2017

Report a Threat to National Security

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