
If a picture is worth a thousand words – video vignettes are worth even more! That’s why Transport Canada’s main Web page features video vignettes that raise awareness about important issues and opportunities related to transportation safety and security.

Browse our video vignettes archived under the topic headings below. You can view them at any time.

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This web page contains video content published for exclusive reuse by the media for broadcast purposes.

Transport Canada

National Trade Corridors Fund
Duration: 0:40
Added: June-30-2017
Canada is a trading nation. 1 in 6 Canadian jobs depend on international commerce.
Transport Canada crash test show safety improvements in newer vehicle models
Duration: 0:16
Added: June-09-2017
This crash test between 2007 and 2014 car models shows that enhancements in newer vehicle structures improve protection and reduce the risk of injury to drivers.
#C49 Would Strengthen Rights for Air Passengers in Canada
Duration: 0:37
Added: June-13-2017
Canada is a vast country. Air travel is essential to move people and goods. Sometimes there are factors complicating this. This is why the government of Canada is proposing legislation that would strengthen rights for travellers.
Oil Tanker Moratorium Act
Duration: 0:31
Added: June-14-2017
The Act will prohibit oil tankers carrying over 12,500 metric tonnes of oil from stopping, loading or unloading at ports or marine installations in northern British Columbia.
Oceans Protection Plan
Duration: 1:08
Added: November-07-2016
Video explaining what is the Government of Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan.
Transport Canada uncovers potential dangerous defect in Toyota RAV4
Duration: 0:28
Added: February-18-2016

Transport Canada research engineers and investigators have uncovered a potentially dangerous defect in 2006 to 2012 Toyota RAV4 models.

Download video: Transport Canada uncovers potential dangerous defect in Toyota RAV4 (.mp4, 17.3 MB)

Broadcast quality:
Download video: Transport Canada uncovers potential dangerous defect in Toyota RAV4 (.mov, 350 MB)

Minister Garneau speaks about his meeting with Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety
Duration: 0:28
Added: January-28-2016

Excerpt from the speech of the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, during the January 28, 2016 news conference following the Council of Ministers.

Drone Wars
Duration: 0:35
Added: December-18-2015

In a time of new discoveries, the skies are filled with drones. One department will step up and try to restore understanding across the galaxy.

Transport Canada celebrates 80 years of leadership in transportation
Duration: 1:33
Added: October-27-2016

Proud of our past. Building our tomorrow.

Rail Safety

Rail Safety Overview - Safety in Action
Duration: 0:52
Added: February-05-16

General Rail Safety.

Distractions Can Be Deadly
Duration: 0:56
Added: June-01-11

With all that noise, you might think it’s an easy thing to avoid a train.

Winter Railway Crossing
Duration: 0:48
Added: June-01-11

On a day like this, visibility can be a challenge. Any minute now, a train will be going through this railway crossing.

Marine Safety and Security

Port State Control Safe and Sustainable from Port to Port
Duration: 5:54
Added: July-10-2017
Since the mid-nineteen seventies, the world’s port state regimes have worked together to ensure safety of life, protection of the marine environment, and decent living and working conditions for seafarers.
New Alternative Standard for Recreational Boating School
Duration: 4:04
Added: August-16-16

Inform the public on the new alternative standard for Recreational boating school. Presentation of the new alternative standard for Recreational boating school, the scope, the new Recreational Boating School report form, the letter of participation and the small vessel compliance program component.

Minister Garneau launches North American Safe Boating Awareness Week
Duration: 0:58

Marc Garneau, Canada’s Transport Minister shares some tips to ensure a safe boating season.

Duration: 0:54

When the cold water hits your chest you will hyperventilate. Your blood pressure goes way up. If you’re elderly that can be fatal.

World-Class Tanker Safety - Incident Command System
Duration: 0:54
Added: August-08-14

The Canadian Coast Guard plays a critical role when incidents happen at sea.

World-Class Tanker Safety - Pilotage
Duration: 0:54
Added: August-08-14

To protect Canada’s waters, tankers like this are controlled by local marine pilots when navigating ports or straits.

World-Class Tanker Safety - Surveillance and Monitoring
Duration: 1:04
Added: August-11-14

Canadian authorities keep a close watch on ships moving through our waters.

World-Class Tanker Safety - Tanker Inspection
Duration: 1:06
Added: August-07-14

Regular inspections are essential to keeping our waters safe—making sure tankers like this comply with Canadian and International laws and regulations.

World-Class Tanker Safety - Behind The Scenes
Duration: 1:46
Added: August-07-14

Canada has one of the safest marine tanker systems in the world. New measures will ensure it stays that way. What makes our system safe? Let’s take a look... behind the scenes.

Pleasure Craft Operator Card
Duration: 1:09
Added: June-01-11

Everyone who operates a power-driven boat in Canada needs proof of competency —something that shows they understand the rules of the water and how to safely operate a boat.

Pleasure Craft Licensing
Pleasure Craft Licensing
Duration: 0:57
Added: June-01-11

Did you know that any pleasure craft powered by 10 horse power or more needs a licence?

Recreational Boating Safety
Duration: 1:04
Added: June-01-11

The rules of the road for Canada’s waterways help everyone stay safe.

Wear Your Lifejacket
Duration: 0:39
Added: June-01-11

A lifejacket is your best defence against cold-water shock.

Children's Lifejackets
Duration: 1:53
Added: July-30-09
Learn how to keep children safe on/near the water.
Boat Safety Briefings
Duration: 0:40
Added: June-01-11
Access important information for commercial boat operators and their passengers.

Motor Vehicle Safety

Winter Driving Emergency Kit
Duration: 1:36
Added: November-08-11

You never know what might happen—or what you might need—so it’s a good idea to always be prepared. Always keep an emergency kit, like this one, in your trunk.

Winter Driving
Duration: 1:27
Added: June-01-11

This… is a Canadian winter. And this is one way that we deal with it. Before hitting the road, make sure your view is clear and your car is clean.

Road Safety
Duration: 0:58
Added: June-01-11

For a lot of us, driving is so natural that we don’t always give it much thought.

Summer Tire Pressure
Duration: 0:58
Added: June-01-11

Combined with summer heat and high speeds, an under-inflated tire can cause a blowout—which can really spoil your vacation plans.

Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
Duration: 1:17
Added: June-01-11
Learn about new technology that helps prevent skids.
Winter Tire Pressure
Duration: 1:41
Added: June-01-11
Learn about winter tire technology and tips for care.

Air Safety

Individual arrested for pointing laser at helicopter
Duration: 00:31 seconds
Added: June-12-2017
An individual was arrested after he was caught pointing a laser at a helicopter. The individual pleaded guilty and was fined $3,000.
Santa is fit to fly and ready for take-off
Duration: 01:04
Added: December-22-2016
Minister Garneau meets with Santa and confirms that he has successfully renewed his pilot license and passed his annual medical examination.
Parliament Hill is a #NoDroneZone
Duration: 0:16
Added: December-22-2016
It’s your responsibility to fly your drone safely and legally. Otherwise, you could face steep fines and criminal charges.
Fly your drone safely and legally
Duration: 00:41
Added: December-15-2016
It’s your responsibility to fly your drone safely and legally.
Are you flying in a no drone zone?
Duration: 00:22
Added: September-09-2016
Don’t fly your drone near an airport without permission from Transport Canada. Respect “No Drone Zone” signage.
How much damage could a drone do to a plane?
Duration: 0:35
Added: August-12-2016
A drone could cause serious damage if it hit a plane. Hundreds of lives could be at risk.
Canada Day celebrations are no drone zones
Duration: 0:15
Added: June-30-2016
During Canada Day celebrations, don’t fly your drone near crowds without permission from Transport Canada.
Respect “No Drone Zone” signage.
Airports are no drone zones
Duration: 0:36
Added: June-13-2016

Flying your drone around an airport without permission can be dangerous. All aerodromes should be considered “no drone zones” if you do not have permission from Transport Canada.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: Airports are no drone zones (.mov, 600 MB)

It’s not a game
Duration: 0:39
Added: June-13-2016

Flying your drone near a plane is not a game – it’s illegal, and puts the lives of every person on board at risk.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: It’s not a game (.mov, 682 MB)

Dumb ways to blind
Duration: 0:40
Added: May-24-16

This video, "Dumb Ways to Blind", features happy creatures who suffer unfortunate outcomes when they misuse laser pointers. It was done in the style of "Dumb Ways to Die", a November 2012 Metro Trains safety video that went viral.

Laser strikes can cost you big
Duration: 0:11
Added: May-24-16

Pointing a laser at an aircraft is a serious offence – offenders face up to $100,000 in fines, five years in prison, or both.

May the 4th end laser strikes
Duration: 0:26
Added: May-4-16

In honour of Star Wards Day (May 4th), Transport Canada is calling out to all Canadians to put an end to laser strikes.

Download video: May the 4th end laser strikes (.mp4, 35.4 MB)

Minister of Transport congratulates Bombardier on the certification of its C Series aircraft
Duration: 0:27
Added: December-18-15

Excerpt from the speech of the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, during the December 18th 2015 news conference at the Bombardier Mirabel Facility.

Drones over 35 kilograms, you need permission to fly!
Duration: 0:21
Added: December-11-15

Flying a drone isn’t just fun and games. You may need permission from Transport Canada

Broadcast quality:
Download video: Drones over 35 kilograms, you need permission to fly! (.mov, 242 MB)
Download audio: Drones over 35 kilograms, you need permission to fly! (.mp3, 587 KB)

Safety guidelines for recreational drone users
Duration: 0:47
Added: December-11-15

Before flying a drone for the first time, make sure you understand how to use it safely and legally. Only fly during the day and in good weather.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: Safety guidelines for recreational drone users (.mov, 384 MB)
Download audio: Safety guidelines for recreational drone users (.mp3, 978 KB)

‘Tis the season of drones!
Duration: 0:25
Added: December-11-15

Many people will receive drones over the holidays this year. But before enjoying their gift, new users should learn how to fly them safely and legally.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: ‘Tis the season of drones! (.mov, 188 MB)
Download audio: ‘Tis the season of drones! (.mp3, 447 KB)

No drone zone and applicable fines
Duration: 0:33
Added: December-11-15

Flying your drone near aircraft could cause delays, distractions and put lives at serious risk. Stay at least 9 kilometres away from any airport, heliport, or aerodrome.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: No drone zone and applicable fines (.mov, 261 MB)
Download audio: No drone zone and applicable fines (.mp3, 634 KB)

Curious drone? Privacy and trespassing
Duration: 0:17
Added: December-11-15

If you’re using a drone in your backyard, avoid flying over private properties or taking photos or videos without permission.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: Curious drone? Privacy and trespassing (.mov, 120 MB)
Download audio: Curious drone? Privacy and trespassing (.mp3, 236 KB)

Reporting drone mischief
Duration: 0:23
Added: December-11-15

Drone users can’t fly wherever they like. If you think someone has committed a crime or breached your privacy, report it to your local police department right away.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: Reporting drone mischief (.mov, 174 MB)
Download audio: Reporting drone mischief (.mp3, 442 KB)

Don’t get burned! Keep drones away from forest fires.
Duration: 0:37
Added: August-26-15

Aaron McCrorie, head of aviation safety regulations at Transport Canada, reminds you that flying your drone near a forest fire is both dangerous and illegal. You could be fined $25,000 and even go to jail.

Pointing a laser at aircraft is a crime. Not a bright idea.
Duration: 0:31
Added: August-06-15

Aiming a laser at an aircraft is a federal offence. It poses a serious risk to pilots, passengers, and aviation safety. Never aim laser pointers at or near any aircraft.

Do I need permission to fly my drone or unmanned air vehicle?
Duration: 0:23
Added: December-19-14

Whether you call it an unmanned air vehicle (UAV), remotely piloted aircraft system, model aircraft, remote control aircraft, or drone, always think safety first. Here are some tips to help you fly safely and legally. Learn more:

How to fly a drone or unmanned air vehicle safely.
Duration: 1:23
Added: December-19-14

Drones and unmanned air vehicles have soared in popularity. Depending on how and where you use them, you may need permission from Transport Canada before you can fly. Find out if you need a Special Flight Operations Certificate:

Small Aircraft Passenger Guidelines
Duration: 4:32
Added: November-22-11

When most people think of airports, they think of big, busy terminals that see thousands of passengers each day. But that’s not the only way to fly.

Flying Safe
Duration: 3:48
Added: July-30-10
Seaplanes are a great way to visit much of Canada. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll have a safe and memorable trip.


Airport Security
Duration: 1:09
Added: June-01-11

Do your part to make it a safe and comfortable flight for everyone.


Protecting Our Waters
Duration: 3:10
Added: February-24-12

Canada’s coastline is the longest in the world—more than 200,000 kilometres on three coasts and the five Great Lakes.

ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles (eTV)
ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles (eTV)
Duration: 1:33
Added: June-01-11

eTV stands for ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles: hybrids, electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells, advanced gasoline and diesel engines, all designed to reduce our impact on the environment.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Overview of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) 2016
Duration: 8:04
Added: February-10-2017
Learn more about the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG). What is the ERG? Who is it for? This video also includes two scenarios to explain how to use the ERG.
Changes in the 2016 Edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
Duration: 3:03
Added: February-10-2017
This video explains the changes that have been made to the 2016 Edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook.


B-roll of the National Aerial Surveillance Program
Duration: 2:16
Added: August-11-2017

A video of Transport Canada’s National Aerial Surveillance Program.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: B-roll of the National Aerial Surveillance Program (.mov, 2.05 GB)

The Honorable Marc Garneau
B-roll of the Federal, Provincial, Territorial Transportation and Highway Safety Minister’s meeting in Ottawa on January 28, 2016
Duration: 1:10
Added: January-28-2016

Minister Garneau and his Provincial and Territorial counterparts are meeting today to discuss our transportation system.

Broadcast quality:
Download video: B-roll of the Federal, Provincial, Territorial Transportation and Highway Safety Minister’s meeting in Ottawa on January 28, 2016 (.mov, 615 MB)

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