Industry sector intelligence

Get statistics, market intelligence and business resources for your industry sector.

Services and information

Find statistics by industry

Includes industry data and analysis on a number of economic indicators, such as employment, gross domestic product and capital investment.

Search for Canadian companies

Search for Canadian suppliers of goods, services and technology in this database of over 50,000 Canadian companies. Also browse by industry sector or in our specialized directories.

Agriculture and food industry, markets and trade

Market intelligence about the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector.

Construction industry

Find statistics to monitor construction-related industries.

Consumer products industry

Industry profiles, company directories, regulations and standards and publications for Canada's consumer product industries including apparel, furniture, printing and related support activities, recreational boats and sporting and athletic goods.

Energy industry

Find statistics and analysis on reserves, capacity, production and consumption of traditional and alternative energy sources.

Manufacturing industries

Access statistics and business resources on companies in the manufacturing industries.

Service industries

Access information on service industries such as culture and leisure, logistics and supply chain management, retail trade, specialized design services, tourism, and transportation.

Technology industries

Find sector profiles and other business resources on information and communications technologies, hydrogen and fuel cells, nanotechnology and ocean technology.

Financial performance benchmarks

Use this tool to find out how your company's financial statements measure up to comparable small businesses within your industry.

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