Rules Respecting Track Safety

November 25, 2011
Effective - May 25, 2012

Printable Versions

Rules Respecting Track Safety (TC E-54)

is available in PDF format (file size 495kb) which will download in approximately 3 minutes and 26 seconds on a 28.8 connection and may be viewed using Acrobat Reader.

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Table of Contents

Part I - General

  1. Short Title 
  2. Interpretation
  3. Scope
  4. Application
  5. Excepted Track
  6. Responsibility of the Railway Company
  7. Certification and Training of Track Supervisors and Track Inspectors
  8. Measuring Track Not Under Load

Part II - Track Safety Rules

Subpart A - Classes of Track

Subpart B - Roadbed

  1. Drainage
  2. Vegetation

Subpart C - Track Geometry

  1. Scope
  2. Gauge
  3. Track Alignment
  4. Curves:  Elevation and Speed Limitations
  5. Elevation of Curved Track: Runoff
  6. Track Surface
  7. Interpolation of Speeds Between Track Classes
  8. Combined Alignment and Track Surface Deviations

Subpart D - Track Structure

  1. Ballast
  2. Crossties
  3. Defective Rails
  4. Rail End Mismatch
  5. Rail Joints
  6. Tie Plates
  7. Rail Anchoring
  8. Rail Fastenings
  9. Continuous Welded Rail (CWR)
  10. Rail Wear
  11. Turnouts and Track Crossings Generally
  12. Switches
  13. Frogs
  14. Spring Rail Frogs
  15. Self-Guarded Frogs
  16. Frog Guard Rails

Subpart E - Track Appliances and Track Related Devices

  1. Scope
  2. Derails

Subpart F - Inspection

  1. Scope
  2. Track – Inspections
  3. Track - Turnouts and Special Trackwork Inspections
  4. Track - Electronic Geometry Inspections
  5. Track - Rail Flaw Inspections
  6. Yard Track - Inspections
  7. Yard Track - Turnout Inspections
  8. Yard Track - Electronic Geometry Inspections
  9. Yard Track - Rail Flaw Inspections
  10. Inspection Records

Appendix 1 – Transport Canada Defect Codes

Appendix 2 – Transport Canada Job Aids

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