
These stories tell us about some of Canada’s international efforts for development, trade and foreign policy. They introduce the projects and partners that drive change. We meet people from all over the world and learn how our actions can make lives better in families, their communities, and sometimes an entire nation.

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Publication dateCountryStories
2017-08-11Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic commemorates Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation

Publication date: 2017-08-11
Country(s) / region(s): Dominican Republic
Category(s): Event

Canada celebrated its 150th Anniversary in Santo Domingo with a reception and fireworks lighting up the sky, summer hockey event, a cooking workshop with youth, and a music concert.


Kazakhstan celebrates 150 years of Canadian Confederation with star-packed Hockey Days

Publication date: 2017-07-06
Country(s) / region(s): Kazakhstan
Category(s): Event

Canada and Kazakhstan share a love of hockey. On May 20 and 21, 2017, the Embassy of Canada to Kazakhstan (ASTNA) staged a hockey festival to honour that mutual passion and celebrate two milestones.


Celebrating Canada’s 150th across Brazil

Publication date: 2017-06-27
Country(s) / region(s): Brazil
Category(s): Event

Canada’s six diplomatic missions in Brazil partnered to launch the Canada 150 activities with a Trade Roadshow in Recife and Francofolies celebration in Brasilia.


The Embassy of Canada to Japan joins Tokyo Pride in celebration of diversity

Publication date: 2017-06-15
Country(s) / region(s): Tokyo
Category(s): Event

On May 6th and 7th, the Embassy of Canada joined in the celebrations of Tokyo Pride, Japan’s largest and best known celebration for the LGBTI community.


Canadians in Qatar celebrate Canada 150 and National Flag Day

Publication date: 2017-05-11
Country(s) / region(s): Qatar
Category(s): Event

On February 15 each year, we celebrate National Flag of Canada Day, in Canada and at our missions around the world.


Cuban International Book Fair helps celebrate Canada 150

Publication date: 2017-05-05
Country(s) / region(s): Cuba
Category(s): Event

In celebration of our 150th anniversary of Confederation, Canada was invited to be the guest country of honour at this year’s Cuban international book fair.


Canada 150 hockey days in Kazakhstan

Publication date: 2017-05-05
Country(s) / region(s): Kakakhstan
Category(s): Event

To mark the 25th anniversary of Canada-Kazakhstan relations, the Embassy of Canada is drawing upon this shared tradition through its Canada 150 Hockey Days in Kazakhstan initiative.


Canada in Greece showcases Canadian films for Canada 150

Publication date: 2017-05-05
Country(s) / region(s): Greece
Category(s): Event

A kickoff to anniversary celebrations in Greece, the Canadian mission in Athens presented a film festival to showcase Canadian films.


Celebrating the International Day for Mine Awareness in Colombia

Publication date: 2017-04-04
Country(s) / region(s): Colombia
Category(s): Security

2017 is a year of remarkably positive change for Colombia.


Creating safer schools

Publication date: 2017-02-24
Country(s) / region(s): Kenya
Category(s): Girls, education, empowerment

This story was provided by Plan International Canada.


Focusing on Nicaragua's next generation

Publication date: 2014-10-10
Country(s) / region(s): Nicaragua
Category(s): Agriculture, food, environment

Teaching young farmers in Nicaragua new farming methods helps them grow different crops and introduce environmental techniques.


Women honey producers in Casamance: The women of Saré Souma become self-sufficient through innovation

Publication date: 2016-08-25
Country(s) / region(s): Senegal
Category(s): Agriculture, economic growth, women

Involving women in beekeeping activates in the community helped men and women to work together and break down cultural barriers.


Latrines and tippy taps help more girls attend school in Ghana

Publication date: 2015-12-22
Country(s) / region(s): Ghana
Category(s): Education, girls, water

In many communities in Ghana, the lack of adequate latrines, hand-washing facilities and feminine hygiene products keeps girls from attending school during menstruation.


Culturally sensitive health care for women in remote Afghanistan

Publication date: 2016-05-31
Country(s) / region(s): Afghanistan
Category(s): Health, women

Afghan women train to become midwives as part of the Family Health Houses project. They will then return to their communities to work at a Family Health House, often in a remote area.


Restoring the lives of human trafficking survivors in Ukraine

Publication date: 2015-11-24
Country(s) / region(s): Ukraine
Category(s): Human rights

The promise of a high paying job in another country can lure people into the trap of modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

2016-05-31Africa, Southeast Asia

Raising voices for women and girls

Publication date: 2016-05-31
Country(s) / region(s): Africa, Southeast Asia
Category(s): Education, girls, human rights

Girls and women are particularly vulnerable in communities plagued with poverty and instability. In developing countries one in nine marries before the age of 15.


Improving basic health care services in northern Afghanistan

Publication date: 2015-12-22
Country(s) / region(s): Afghanistan
Category(s): Water, health

In Afghanistan, support to provide proper handwashing stations with soap and safe water at targeted health centres help prevent diseases.


Canada supports Food for Literacy to empower young girls

Publication date: 2015-11-24
Country(s) / region(s): Afghanistan
Category(s): Girls, education

In Afghanistan this food for literacy program encourages families to send girls to school.


When the child is healthy, the mother is happy

Publication date: 2016-11-18
Country(s) / region(s): Bangladesh
Category(s): Immunization, health, children

Free vaccinations programs in Bangladesh help immunize children in hard-to-reach areas of the country.


WASHing practices in Ghana improve family health

Publication date: 2015-08-26
Country(s) / region(s): Ghana
Category(s): Water, sanitation, health

Having a dependable source of safe water improves the health of mothers and children throughout the developing world.


Canada helps improve access to livelihoods and water for communities in northern Ghana

Publication date: 2015-12-22
Country(s) / region(s): Ghana
Category(s): Water, health, economic growth

Having a dependable source of water helps local families to have safe drinking water throughout the year. This water is also needed to run businesses.


Empowering women and youth in Egypt

Publication date: 2015-05-13
Country(s) / region(s): Egypt
Category(s): Youth, women, job skills

Helping young Egyptians, especially women, get the job skills they need is essential to their wellbeing.


Canada helps deliver childbirth education in Ethiopia

Publication date: 2016-11-18
Country(s) / region(s): Ethiopia
Category(s): Health, women, children

In Ethiopia health and survival rates improve with babies are delivered in health centres. Traditional birth attendants encourage mothers to deliver their babies in equipped health centres.


Cooking up solutions in Haiti

Publication date: 2016-06-07
Country(s) / region(s): Haiti
Category(s): Climate change, economic growth

Canada is helping tackle Haiti's extreme deforestation and air pollution problems.


Help that is making a big difference

Publication date: 2016-11-18
Country(s) / region(s): Haiti
Category(s): Health, women, children

Canada is helping women and children in Haiti access health services. To make this possible, health care professionals need more training and health care needs to be affordable.


Community initiatives feed school children in Kenya

Publication date: 2015-11-10
Country(s) / region(s): Kenya
Category(s): Food, nutrition, education

School councils work with local growers and traders to buy food for the World Food Programme’s school feeding program. It also helps develop the local economy.


Canada partners with the Government of Nigeria to improve maternal, newborn and child health

Publication date: 2016-11-18
Country(s) / region(s): Nigeria
Category(s): Health, women, children

In Nigeria, improving access to health care for mothers includes providing bed nets to prevent malaria, anti-malaria drugs, blood builders and health education. Children younger than five benefit from products to improve their nutrition.


Access to Textbooks in Senegal: A Challenge Overcome!

Publication date: 2016-08-26
Country(s) / region(s): Senegal
Category(s): Education

In West African countries, access to textbooks is a major challenge for education systems. The textbook is one of the most powerful tools for influencing the quality of learning.


Registering birth days in Tanzania

Publication date: 2016-11-18
Country(s) / region(s): Tanzania
Category(s): Children, human rights

As recent as 2012, 90% of Tanzanian children younger than five did not have birth certificates. In 2013, Tanzania, with Canada’s help, launched a massive birth registration campaign.


Canada’s Commitment to Economic Development Efforts in Ukraine

Publication date: 2016-10-11
Country(s) / region(s): Ukraine
Category(s): Economic growth, governance, job skills

The Maidan revolution (revolution of dignity) of 2013-14 provided Ukraine with a historic opportunity to make a real break with its Soviet-influenced past and transform itself into a country governed by democratic values and the rule of law. Ukraine’s new government has since committed to implementing additional, much-needed reforms to increase its prosperity.

2016-06-07Middle East, North Africa

Canada supports women in parliaments in the Middle East and North Africa

Publication date: 2016-06-07
Country(s) / region(s): Middle East, North Africa
Category(s): Women, equality, governance

Canada supports efforts to see more women in leadership roles in the Middle East and North Africa. It is well known that having more women in decision-making roles improves the quality of life.

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