Parks Canada welcomes Sophie Grégoire Trudeau as Honourary Guide


Eva: Hi everyone, my name is Eva, I am the Youth Ambassador for Parks Canada. Today I have the pleasure to meet Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the Honourary Guide for Parks Canada.

Eva: What does being Parks Canada's Honourary Guide in Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation mean to you?

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau: It means so much! Because we are celebrating so much, we are celebrating our history, our diversity.

So if you've never been camping before, don't be scared! You know why? Because throughout all the parks, the national parks in our country, there's really knowledgeable people who can give you the right info on how to camp, what to wear, what to cook, where to camp, how to set up a tent and there's, you know, special lessons that you can learn throughout little, how can I say, "ateliers" throughout the Parks Canada national parks. And there's teams everywhere that can help you. So make sure you have the right information together and go as family and you will share unbelievable moments that will last forever.

The thing I'm looking most forward to celebrating the 150th, with Parks especially, is getting to meet Canadian families all over the country and use the national trails as I do in my daily life, when I can! You know, just to go biking or for a run or a hike. I really want us to meet and share our stories and come together in this great time of celebration.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau has graciously accepted to be Parks Canada’s Honourary Guide for families. With a passion for nature and the outdoors, and a commitment to youth and their well-being, Parks Canada is pleased to have Sophie Grégoire Trudeau take on this important role. Throughout 2017, the Honourary Guide will celebrate Canada’s diversity and help more Canadian families to connect with Canada’s nature and culture through Canada’s national parks and national historic sites, encouraging families to experience the outdoors and learn more about our country and its history through Parks Canada’s Learn-to Camp program.

The focus of the Learn-to Camp program is to create a connection between first-time campers and the Canadian camping experience, to build awareness on family health and wellness, to introduce families to a lifetime of outdoor activities and encourage them to visit Parks Canada’s special heritage places.

Participants will learn practical skills like how to set up a tent, use a camp stove and light a campfire as well as important safety skills including wildlife safety, fire safety and water safety. Participants will also learn to appreciate the outdoors through hiking, photography, bird watching and star gazing and will be encouraged to explore other Parks Canada places across the country.