Targeted Readership

The Hill Times, in print and its digital edition, is an essential part of the Canadian political scene. One of the few print publications that leadership demands to have, paid subscriptions and print readership have remained strong and expanded in key areas of leadership, including:

• Members of Parliament

• Senior public servants

• PMO and PCO

• Senior political staff 

• Key decision makers


Many news sources cover federal politics for the general population. Hill Times readers are working in or around government; they are the influencers and the key decision makers.

Decision makers

Decision making and the legislative process in Canada is nuanced and multi-layered. The Hill Times 2015 readership survey conducted by Pollara Strategic Insights shows how essential Hill Times readers are to the decision-making-process.


Hill Times readers are well educated and constantly working to improve their credentials.

Area of Responsibility

When crafting your government relations strategy you want to ensure that you’re communicating with those in government with relevant responsibility. The Hill Times readership survey showed which key areas they work in.

Vox Populi

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