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The Wire Report is independently owned by Hill Times Publishing Inc. and run by an experienced, independent editorial team. We have no positions to advance, no biases to nurture. As Canada's media and telecom industry faces more consolidation and vertical integration, independence is critical to producing news about these sectors that you can depend on.

Our unique, comprehensive and independent coverage is based on access-to-information requests, interviews with industry sources, in-person coverage of CRTC hearings, Parliamentary committee meetings, industry conferences and announcements, time spent digging through regulatory and court documents, and more. Independent reporting means news you can trust.


CRTC shouldn’t have ‘a particular slant,’ new chairman says

As the head of an organization that must hear and decide on issues that often pit industry against consumer advocates, CRTC chairman Ian Scott, at the beginning of his five-year term, is charting a neutral course. “Do I want good relations with industry? Yes. Do I want good relationships with consumer...


Facebook to hand over Russia ads to Congress

Facebook Inc. will cooperate with the U.S. Congress on its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 United States election by handing over advertisements and related information linked to a Russian entity. That entity is known as the Internet Research Agency, which is being cited as having more...

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