What to wear on the plane

Dress appropriately for the conditions you may encounter before, during and after your flight. If you have to go outside to board the airplane, shorts, tank tops and sandals won’t protect you against the elements during the winter.

The clothes you are wearing can play a significant role in your safety.  Synthetic blend fabrics are easy to maintain and don’t wrinkle when you are sitting for a long time. However, these fabrics ignite quickly, shrink, melt and continue to burn even after the heat source is removed. If the aircraft has to be evacuated as the result of an emergency, even pantyhose can cause injuries as they melt and cause burns from the friction generated by sliding down the escape slide.

Wearing suitable footwear can prevent the most common injuries to your feet during an accident or emergency. Keep your shoes on during the flight. In an emergency, finding your shoes will probably be one of the last things on your mind. Walking in bare feet through jet fuel, possible fire, broken glass or sharp metal fragments would slow your escape from the aircraft. 

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