Contact Information

Your comments, questions and concerns are important to the FPSLREB.

For questions and concerns about this website, contact our Webmaster at

For all inquiries, including hearing confirmation, mediation and media, please contact us using the information listed below. Our hours of operations are from 08:00 to 16:00 (EST).

Requests for records held by the FPSLREB should be submitted under the Access to Information Act and must be accompanied by a $5.00 application fee. Requests to access your personal information held by the FPSLREB should be submitted under the Privacy Act. Please note that there are no fees for submitting Privacy Act requests.

Whether your request is submitted pursuant to the Privacy Act or the Access to Information Act, your request should clearly indicate the type of record(s) you are seeking and include timeframes where possible. Be as specific as possible and include all relevant information which will assist the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada and the FPSLREB in locating the responsive records.

Please send completed forms to:

Coordinator, Access to Information and Privacy Office
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada

240 Sparks St., 4th floor West, Room 444E
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0X8
Telephone: 613-957-3169
Fax: 613-957-3170

Labour Relations

If you do not work for the federal government or one of its agencies, please view the list of provincial labour relations boards.

If you are a federal public servant and your concern does not fall under the jurisdiction of the FPSLREB, you may wish to contact one of these other federal organizations.

If you are not sure, please contact us and we will help direct you to the appropriate office.

Staffing Complaints

Prior to making any inquiry about the complaint process, we urge you to refer to the Staffing Complaint Procedural Guide.

Keep in mind that the FPSLREB is an independent and quasi-judicial body and as such is not in a position to give advice concerning staffing processes, HR procedures and grounds for complaints.