The Future of Audio and Video Programming in Canada: What Will Come Next?
Music, Podcasts, TV, Radio, Videos and Everything in Between

The Internet has expanded the ways we access content but the traditional ways still exist. Whether it’s on your TV, laptop, phone, streamed through your car, or over-the-air – content is everywhere.

We want to know how you want to access audio and video content in the coming years, and how you think these changes might impact the Canadian broadcasting and telecommunications markets. Your comments and ideas will help us provide advice and guidance to the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Two-Phase Consultation

Dec 6, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018
Phase 2 – Pushing the conversation further

Reference document

We’ve published a reference document to help guide the conversation during this phase of the consultation.

We encourage you to share your comments and ideas on this reference document to help us understand even more how Canadians consume content and why they adopt certain habits.


You will also be able to fill out a survey in January to help us understand what you value most and the reasons why you consume content the way you do. Stay tuned for more announcements by following us on Twitter and Facebook!

Oct 12 to Dec 1, 2017
Phase 1 – Laying the Foundation

During this phase, we reached out for your initial thoughts on questions about the future of programming. You can read the comments we received to see what others also think about these issues.

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