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Search for active tenders

Click the Active tenders quick-search icon and use plain language search terms to find tenders.

Try using filters on the search-results page to refine your search and/or use the search operators AND, OR, NOT and quotation marks to separate your keywords. Read more on the Get Started page.

Get email notifications for new tenders or amendments

Email notification service

Sign up to receive email notifications for updates to your custom-refined search results or a tender notice of interest by selecting the email icon Email icon on a search or tender page. The email notification service will send email directly to your inbox when amendments or changes in publication status are made to a tender notice of interest, or when results matching your search criteria are added or modified on Visit the Follow Opportunities for more details.

Web feeds

You can also use web feeds generated by to stay up to date. To sign up, select the RSS feed icon RSS feed icon or the Atom feed icon Atom feed icon on your search or tender notice page. Copy and paste the web feed URL into your favorite feed reader: the feed reader will notify you when updates are available. Visit the Follow Opportunities for more details.

Have questions? Let us help!

Call the InfoLine at 1-800-811-1148. We are here to help you do business with the Government of Canada.

What do the metrics on the tenders page mean?

Find the definitions for the metrics found on tender notice pages on the Tender Frequently Asked Questions page.

Questions about tenders

If you have a question concerning please see the Tenders Contacts page.


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