Canadian Trademarks Database

The database was last updated on: 2017-07-18 Help 


Enter your search criteria in the text box. Select a search field using the available dropdown selection.
You may want to read the Trademarks Database tutorial to understand how to do an advanced search in the database.

NOTE: When searching for application or registration numbers, they can be entered with or without leading zeros but they must not contain commas or spaces.

On January 1, 2017 the latest edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) will enter into force. CIPO will apply the 11th edition of the Nice Classification where an applicant or registrant has grouped and classed their application or registration according to the classes of the Nice Classification with the Office on or after January 1, 2017.

Search Criteria

Criteria 1

Criteria 2

Criteria 3

Criteria 4

Criteria 5

Additional Search Options







Action Dates


A date range may be used to refine your search by selecting available office actions (filed, advertised, registered or inactivated). If you do not wish to restrict your search by selecting an action, select "all" from the drop-down menu.


The Vienna Codes describing figurative elements of the trademark can be added to further refine your search. The 7th Edition of the Vienna Classification system is used to index Canadian trademarks available on this database.


Find Translation
Information about this search option

If you do not know what the search criteria is in the alternative official language, you can search for and include the terms that you need by selecting 'English to French' or 'French to English' and clicking the 'Search' button. You will receive an invitation to link to TERMIUM Plus, the Government of Canada's linguistic data bank. If you accept, you will be able to select criteria from a list of alternative language equivalents that are organized by subject category. Once you complete your selection, the chosen criteria will be added to your query.

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