Defence equipment purchases and upgrades

Defence purchases, upgrades, and maintenance projects for land, sea, and air equipment. The defence procurement process, strategy and announcements.


Services and information

Defence procurement processes, announcements, and strategy

The procurement process, the guide to future Defence purchases, and information for Defence stakeholders.

Air procurement projects

Aircraft purchases, upgrades and maintenance.

Sea procurement projects

Ships and other sea equipment purchases, upgrades and maintenance.

Land procurement projects

Vehicles and other land equipment, purchases, upgrades and maintenance.

Personal equipment, electronics and other procurement

Mobile headquarters, integrated soldier system, and other purchases, upgrades and maintenance.

Defence equipment

Equipment currently used by the Canadian Armed Forces, such as aircraft, ships, vehicles and weapons.

What we are doing


Defence renewal

Ensuring we deliver the best military capabilities for the best value for Canadians.

Defence Acquisition Guide

Read about the Department of National Defence’s procurement plans for the future.

Canada’s Defence Policy

Examine Canada’s new approach to defence that values the ability to anticipate, adapt and act.

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