Exports of Canadian grain and wheat flour

A monthly and crop year to-date review of grains, oilseeds and wheat flour exported to country of destination. Includes port and sector points of exit.

The Canadian Grain Commission provides summaries and analyses of data in this report for a fee.

Starting with the August 2013 release, Exports of Canadian grain and wheat flour is available in both MS-Excel and CSV formats. The PDF format is no longer offered.

Open data format, CSV

Monthly data for the 2016 to 2017 crop year

Monthly data for the 2015 to 2016 crop year

Monthly data for the 2014 to 2015 crop year

Monthly data for the 2013 to 2014 crop year

Historical data (Archived)

Available in Adobe PDF format. Refer to our PDF help page for information on how to view, print and download PDF documents.

For historical data that precedes data on this site, contact:

Canadian Grain Commission Library
Telephone: 1-800-853-6705
Email: library-bibliotheque@grainscanada.gc.ca



Statistics and Business Information
700-303 Main Street
Winnipeg MB  R3C 3G8
Telephone: 1-800-853-6705
Fax: 204-983-5382
Email: statistics-statistique@grainscanada.gc.ca