Telephone numbers – Canada Revenue Agency

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Monday and Tuesday: Very busy
Wednesday: Busy
Thursday and Friday: Least busy

While you’re waiting, check out the self-serve options on our website—the answer to your question may be only a click away.

Message for cell phone/VoIP users

If you contact us using a cell phone or a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) such as Skype and your service provider is located in a different time zone than the one you are calling from, you may hear a message saying that our offices are closed. This is because our telephone system identifies your call as coming from the time zone of your service provider.

Individuals and families enquiries

Before calling to get or change personal tax information, go to Getting or changing personal tax information.

- TIPS (Tax Information Phone Service)

Phone: 1-800-267-6999 (Canada and United States) | Services offered by TIPS

This automated phone service provides information to individuals and businesses.

- Telerefund

Phone: 1-800-959-1956 | My Account

This automated phone service provides information about your income tax refund.

- Individual tax enquiries

Phone: 1-800-959-8281 (Canada and United States) | Hours of service |
Calls from outside Canada and the United States | Services offered by the individual tax enquiries line |
My Account

Call this number for tax information for individuals, trusts, international tax and non-residents, including personal income tax returns, instalments, and RRSPs or to get our forms and publications. Also call this number for assistance with our electronic services for individuals such as My Account, Represent a Client and NETFILE.

- Benefit enquiries

Phone: 1-800-387-1193 (Canada and United States) | Hours of service | Child and family benefits

Call this number for information on the Canada child benefit (CCB), the GST/HST credit, and related provincial and territorial programs, as well as the child disability benefit and children's special allowances. Also call this number for information and assistance with our electronic services for benefit recipients such as the MyBenefits CRA mobile app.

- Provincial programs for Ontario (PPO)

Phone: 1-877-627-6645 (Canada and United States) | Hours of service | OTB and OSHPTG

Call this number for enquiries related to the Ontario trillium benefit (OTB) payment—includes the Ontario sales tax credit (OSTC), the Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC), and the Northern Ontario energy credit (NOEC)—the Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant (OSHPTG) payment, and the Ontario sales tax transition benefit (OSTTB).

- Alberta Benefit Enquiries

Phone: 1-800-959-2809 (Canada and United States) | Hours of service | Alberta Child and Family Benefit Programs

Call this number for enquiries related to the Alberta family employment tax credit (AFETC), the Alberta child benefit (ACB) and the Alberta climate leadership adjustment rebate (ACLAR).

- International tax and non-resident enquiries

International tax and non-resident enquiries phone numbers and hours of service

Call these numbers for international and non-resident enquiries.

Business enquiries

Before calling to get or change personal tax information, go to Getting or changing personal tax information.

- Businesses and self-employed individuals

Phone: 1-800-959-5525 (Canada and United States) | Hours of service |
Calls from outside Canada and the United States | My Business Account

Call this number to get information on payroll deductions, the GST/HST (including rebates such as the new housing rebates), excise taxes and other levies, excise duties, corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and non-resident corporations and corporation accounts. Also call this number; to register for a business number and any program account such as the GST/HST, and to get our forms and publications. Also call this number for information and assistance with our electronic services for businesses such as My Business Account, GST/HST NETFILE and TELEFILE, Filing Information Returns Electronically, Represent a Client or the Payroll Deductions Online Calculator.

- Corporation Internet Filing Help Desk

Corporation Internet Filing Help Desk phone numbers and hours of service

Call these numbers when you need help with filing your T2 corporation income tax return electronically.

- TIPS (Tax Information Phone Service)

Phone: 1-800-267-6999 (Canada and United States) | Services offered by TIPS

This automated phone service provides information to individuals and businesses.

Charities enquiries

- Charities client service

Phone: 1-800-267-2384 | Contact the Charities Directorate

Call this number to get information about registered charities.

Payment arrangements

- Income tax

Phone: 1-888-863-8657 | Hours of service | My Account

Call this number to discuss income tax payment arrangements with an agent.

- Child and family benefits overpayments

Phone: 1-888-863-8662 | Hours of service

Call this number to discuss child and family benefits overpayments and make payment arrangements with an agent.

- Business and self-employed

Phone: 1-877-477-5068 for GST/HST debts | Hours of service

Phone: 1-877-548-6016 for payroll tax debts | Hours of service

Phone: 1-866-291-6346 for corporate income tax debts | Hours of service

Call the applicable number to discuss your business debt and make payment arrangements with an agent.

- Other payment arrangements

Phone: 1-866-864-5823 | Hours of service

Call this number to discuss payment arrangements for debts owing to Employment and Social Development Canada, such as; defaulted Canada student loans, employment insurance overpayments, employment programs overpayments and Canada Pension Plan overpayments.

TTY (Teletypewriter)

Call this number if you have a hearing or speech impairment and use a TTY.

If you use an operator-assisted relay service, call our regular telephone numbers on this page instead of the TTY number.

Before calling to get or change personal tax information, go to Getting or changing personal tax information.

Phone: 1-800-665-0354 (Canada and United States) | Hours of service

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