Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence

SECD - Current Members As of October 31, 2017

Mobina S.B. Jaffer Photo

Deputy Chair

Mobina S.B. Jaffer
Lib. - (British Columbia)

Pierre-Hugues,Boisvenu  Photo

Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu
C - (Quebec - La Salle)

Gwen,Boniface  Photo

Gwen Boniface
ISG - (Ontario)

Jean-Guy,Dagenais  Photo

Jean-Guy Dagenais
C - (Quebec - Victoria)

Diane F.,Griffin  Photo

Diane F. Griffin
ISG - (Prince Edward Island)

Colin,Kenny  Photo

Colin Kenny
Lib. - (Ontario - Rideau)

Frances,Lankin  Photo

Frances Lankin
ISG - (Ontario)

Marilou,McPhedran  Photo

Marilou McPhedran
ISG - (Manitoba)

Raymonde,Saint-Germain  Photo

Raymonde Saint-Germain
ISG - (Quebec - De la Vallière)

Vernon,White  Photo

Vernon White
C - (Ontario)

Peter Harder (or Diane Bellemare) Ex-officio - Non-affiliated

Larry W. Smith (or Yonah Martin) Ex-officio - C

The Leader of the Government and the Leader of the Opposition or, in the absence of either, their respective Deputy Leaders are ex officio members of all committees except the Standing Committee on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Senators, the Committee of Selection and the joint committees.