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Members’ Allowances and Services Manual


The Members’ Allowances and Services Manual is a comprehensive guide to the Board of Internal Economy’s current policies related to budgets, allowances and entitlements for Members, House Officers and Research Offices. This manual, written for use by Members and their staff, should be read in conjunction with the Members By-law, established by the Board of Internal Economy under the authority of the Parliament of Canada Act. It is available on this Web site to give the public more information on allowances and services provided to Members in support of their parliamentary functions.

Table of Contents


Governance & Principles chapter

Members' Salary & Benefits chapter
Sessional Allowance and Additional Salaries appendix

Budgets chapter
Schedule of Rates appendix
Member's Office Budget by Constituency appendix
Financial Limits by Constituency appendix

Travel chapter

Expenses chapter

Limits on the Purchase of Assets appendix

Employees chapter

Services chapter
Access to Parliamentary Dining Room appendix

Offices chapter

Contracts chapter

House Officers & Recognized Parties chapter

Resignation or Death of a Member chapter

Dissolution of Parliament chapter

Elections chapter
Budget Formula following a General Election
for House Officers and National Caucuses appendix


All of the above chapters and appendices are also available in one complete version of the Members’ Allowances and Services Manual.

The Members’ Allowances and Services Manual is updated regularly to reflect the decisions of the Board of Internal Economy. See the list of dates when the chapters and appendices were last published.

More Information

For more information about the Members’ Allowances and Services Manual:

·consult the Frequently Asked Questions,

·see the decisions of the Board of Internal Economy,

·see the Members By-law and the Parliament of Canada Act, or

·direct your enquiries to the Parliament of Canada Information Service.


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