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Public Registry of Designated Travellers

In accordance with the Members By-law, a Member of the House of Commons may designate one person, other than the Member’s employee or another Member who is not the Member’s spouse, as their designated traveller.

The Clerk of the House of Commons maintains the Public Registry of Designated Travellers. This list discloses each Member’s designated traveller.

If a Member chooses not to have a designated traveller, that Member’s name does not appear in the Public Registry of Designated Travellers. The Registry may include former Members as it also contains the names of Members whose expenditures are reported on the Members’ Expenditures Report for the previous fiscal year if they ceased to be a Member on or after April 1, 2017 (the start of the previous fiscal year).

Members are able to change their designated traveller once every 365 days, at the beginning of a new Parliament, or in the event of the designated traveller’s death. The Public Registry of Designated Travellers is updated on a quarterly basis.



More Information

For more information about the Public Registry of Designated Travellers:

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