SENgage – Engaging Youth


Senators are leaders, investigators, legislators and advocates. They are teachers and judges, business people and athletes, community leaders and public servants who represent you in Parliament. Senators come from all regions of Canada, ranging from urban centers to rural communities.

The Senate is engaging with youth at Parliament, on campuses, in classrooms and in communities.

Find out more and discover how you can invite a senator to your class, course or event. Senate Communications will help you connect with a senator anywhere in Canada, from coast to coast to coast.

Tour groups visiting Ottawa may contact Senate Communications to organize an activity with a senator.

Get Started: Meet a Senator at Parliament

“The events with the Senator were a huge success. Given his involvement in Senate modernization and interest in our constitutional system I couldn't imagine a better speaker.  The talks were pitched at the perfect level with the right amount of background and with extremely interesting firsthand examples.”

- Professor, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Instructors, professors and students associations may invite a senator to:

  • give a guest lecture for courses related to Political Science, Canadian History, Law, Journalism, Business, International Relations, Indigenous Issues and many other areas of study;
  • share their insights on the Senate’s role in Canada’s parliamentary democracy;
  • speak about subjects based on their area of professional expertise and current Senate work;
  • share findings of a Senate committee study through a panel discussion or other on-campus event.

Senate Communications can also partner with departments, faculties and students associations to create a unique on-campus event.

“The Senator was engaging, humorous, and honest. I am most impressed with how organized this entire process was. I will absolutely be booking again!”

- Social Sciences Department Head, Burnaby, British Columbia

Are you teaching high school Civics, Social Sciences, Canadian History, Law or Politics?

Senate Communications can coordinate a senator’s visit to your classroom. This is an opportunity for your students to learn firsthand from a senator, who will share his or her insights on topics such as:

  • how the Senate came to be, and how it is evolving;
  • how a bill becomes a law;
  • how senators represent Canadians in Parliament;
  • their personal journeys to the Senate;
  • how youth can make a difference.

Senate Communications can work with you to determine what works best for a senator’s visit. Educational materials will be provided in advance to help you prepare your students for the senator’s visit.

Get Started: Invite a Senator to Your Classroom

The Senate is partnering with organizations that empower youth to participate in Canadian democracy and make a difference in their community.

Get Started: Invite a Senator to Your Community


For more information, contact Senate Communications:

Phone: 613-992-1149
Toll-free: 1-800-267-7362