All about climate change

Causes, impacts, climate system, greenhouse effect, science, global warming.

Services and information

Causes of climate change

Natural causes, human causes, climate forcers, greenhouse gas, fossil fuels.

Impacts of climate change

Warming trends, far North, extreme weather events, changing ocean environments.

Facts on climate change

Natural factors, human activity, global warming, effects on global communities.

Adapting to climate change in Canada

Helping Canadians Adapt to Climate Change

Climate system

Sunlight energy, radiant heat absorption, greenhouse effect, energy distribution, weather patterns.

Greenhouse gas effect

Radiation absorption and reflection, greenhouse gas production, water cycle.

Climate Change and Health

Health Canada activities in relation to climate change and the health and well-being of citizens in countries throughout the world, including Canada

Climate and water

Impacts including rising sea level, reduced ice cover, thawing of permafrost, loss of marine habitat, changing ecosystems.

Frequently asked questions about climate change

Air pollution, greenhouse gases, global warming, stopping climate change.

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