In the heart of Québec, The Battlefields Park

One of Canada’s most important historical parks
One of the most prestigious city parks


Welcome to the Plains of Abraham

Plaines d'AbrahamThe site of many clashes for supremacy between the French and British Empires, the park is the scene of the 1759 Conquest, which changed the fate of North America. Apart from its historical past, the park is to Québec what Central Park and Hyde Park are to New York and London: a city park of outstanding value, the lungs of the city. One hundred and three hectares of meadow and grassy knolls, decked with flowers or covered with snow, are there for residents and visitors to enjoy.

On March 17, 1908, the law creating the National Battlefields Commission (NBC) was sanctioned to highlight and preserve this site, unique in the world by its sheer size, its geographic location, its historical role and its beauty. The Battlefields Park, which groups together the Plains of Abraham and the Des Braves Park, was developed to honour the memory of both French and British combatants.

Have a look at the 2017 program of your favorite activities as well as the latest additions. My Mobile Plains app is also available for free!

The National Battlefields Commission and the park: The history

Government Priorities