

Number of Canadians planning to attend Remembrance Day services climbing as the centenary of the First World War armistice approaches

Eight in ten agree it is important to attend now, as number of Second World War vets declines

Nov 06, 2017



Don’t dis the beaver: Canadians show their love for toothy rodents, ketchup chips & the national anthem

With Canada 150 on everyone’s mind, enthusiasm for all things Canadian shone through in a new Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of Historica Canada.

Jun 26, 2017


Nov 06, 2017

Number of Canadians planning to attend Remembrance Day services climbing as the centenary of the First World War armistice approaches

Eight in ten agree it is important to attend now, as number of Second World War vets declines READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Jun 26, 2017

Don’t dis the beaver: Canadians show their love for toothy rodents, ketchup chips & the national anthem

With Canada 150 on everyone’s mind, enthusiasm for all things Canadian shone through in a new Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of Historica Canada. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Nov 04, 2016

With less than a year to the sesquicentennial, Canadians say a national monument to veterans should be part of Canada’s 150th commemorations

A Historica Canada poll commissioned ahead of November 11th has found most Canadians (86%) believe a national monument paying tribute to veterans and soldiers should be part of the commemorations for Canada’s 150th birthday. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Jun 29, 2016

Forget the “weak loonie” – Canada’s got something for everyone so why vacation anywhere else?

As our country gets ready to celebrate its 149th birthday, a new Ipsos Reid poll conducted on behalf of Historica Canada READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Nov 09, 2015

100 years after the First World War, Canadians say Remembrance Day is as relevant as ever

Country divided over whether youth understand the sacrifices of those who died in conflict READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Jun 29, 2015

Grab some back bacon and belt out some Celine Dion: Putting Canadian clichés to the test, eh?

– For some Canadians, worrying about our national identity – or perceived lack of one – is a habit almost as old as the country. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Jan 14, 2015

As Canadians mark Sir John A’s 200th birthday, a new poll measures Canadians’ knowledge of our first Prime Minister

An Ipsos Reid poll commissioned by Historica Canada found one in four Canadians can’t identify the country’s first Prime Minister. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Jun 30, 2014

Canadians Agree: We are Cool, Polite, Sexy and Definitely Not Modest!

As the nation prepares to celebrate Canada Day, and Canada’s 150th in 2017, a new Ipsos Reid poll commissioned by Historica Canada, reveals Canadian attitudes on Canada, and we are definitely not modest. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Nov 11, 2013

New poll aimed to measure knowledge and attitudes of Canadians related to what has long been referred to as the "The Forgotten War"

Canadians don’t know many important details about Canada’s participation in the Korean War – in which more than 500 Canadians died – according to a poll conducted for Historica Canada by Ipsos Reid. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Nov 09, 2012

Remembrance on Rise as More Canadians Plan to Attend Ceremony and Observe Silence than in 2010

Most Canadians (85%) Agree Remembrance Day should be a National, Statutory Holiday READ THE FULL STORY HERE
