Celebrating great songs with Romi Mayes

Romi Mayes hosts her 5th Annual Songwriter Extravaganza, at The Park Theatre on Sun., Dec. 3, 2017. HANDOUT

Great songs they say so much, and Romi Mayes will definitely be listening when 18 of the city’s finest songwriters take the stage for the fifth instalment of her songwriter extravaganza Sunday at the Park Theatre.

The Winnipeg singer-songwriter fired up the format when she was getting a lot of attention for penning her own roadhouse blues tunes and Mayes figures she’ll be soaking up the inspiration along with the audience as another batch of talented locals present stripped-down versions of some of their favourites.

“I can particularly appreciate a great songwriter more now than ever, because I am actually in a very dry spell for songwriting,” Mayes said in an email exchange necessitated by a serious auto accident to go with a bout of laryngitis. “I decided to get off the road from touring last year, and it’s been hard to get in the groove towards new songs, a new album and touring plans since.

“I used to write and play at home all the time. Now I am lucky if I pick up the guitar once a month besides gigging. I have a newfound re-appreciation of sorts for what it takes to craft a song and then get the balls to perform it for an audience.”

Mayes sixth full-length record, Devil on Both Shoulders, was released in 2015. She’s won three Western Canadian Music Awards for songwriter of the year, a pair of WCMA album of the year, and was nominated for a Juno for album of the year.

Her songs come right at you, with a wisdom of a survivor that suggests learning lessons the hard way. 

“For me, it was usually a scribble on a napkin from the night before with a witty phrase on it, or a melody I can’t get out of my head,” Mayes says of the germination process. “Now I am finding that my pockets are empty of those napkins in the morning when I wake up and the only melodies in my head are other people’s.”

Sunday’s show presents a wide variety of songwriting and musical styles (see list below), with artists grouped together six at a time, each playing a couple songs they penned, similar to a folk festival workshop. There might be a quick explanation of why they were chosen, or where the song came from, but the general idea is to “celebrate the great songs they have written in a quiet, concert setting.”

Unlike a number of those workshops, these are people familiar with each other’s work and often able to make a significant contribution to the song.

“The reason I love this format is that often the way I set it up there are a couple of musicians who have played together or collaborated in the past on the same panel of songwriters, and there are some sweet spontaneous harmonies or accompaniments that occur spontaneously,” Mayes said.

She said the city has such a strong community of songwriters that she could easily pack 50-60 into the evening, but that each one able to attend has something she can draw from.

“I admire each of the songwriters up there for different reasons. One may be because they have a way with words or phrases that blow me away, or because their melodies are unique and stand out. Sometimes it’s just the whole package — when they sing and play their songs, I am captivated and want to hear more.”


Patrick Alexandre

Jess Rae Ayre (Sweet Alibi)

Stefanie Blondal Johnson (Mise En Scene)

Jamie Buckboro (The Honeysliders)

Grant Davidson (Slow Leaves)

Bobby Desjarlais (Attica Riots)

JD Edwards

Micah Erenberg

Jaxon Haldane (D.Rangers)

Kevin Hogg (Bright Righteous)

Keri Latimer (Leaf Rapids)

Johannes Lodewyks (Noble Thiefs)

Elise Roller (Solhounds)

Dan Scramstad (The Deeds)

Smoky Tiger (Manitobandits)

Andrina Turenne (Chic Gamine)

Kieran West (Kieran West & His Buffalo Band)

Robert Allan Wrigley (Double The Trouble)


Canad Inns Windsor Park, and more specifically Cowboys Roadhouse, is a long way from Osborne Village and the mess the sale of the Osborne Village Inn has left behind, but that’s where a Zoo reunion event is happening Friday with Dreadnaut and a handful of other acts repping for all the animals that called the place home.


Following a tour of Western Canada, Little Miss Higgins is back to present her latest album — My Heart, My Home — at the West End Cultural Centre on Saturday.


Don’t know much about the cause, but a lot of good people are behind, in support of, or performing at a one-off variety show at the West End Cultural Centre on Sunday, which is raising funds for “women and children.” Help out if you can.



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