Canada’s natural areas include marine, fresh water and land habitat for many species, thousands of lakes and rivers that provide drinking water, and forests and wetlands that store greenhouse gases, produce oxygen and regulate flooding. To ensure this rich natural heritage is conserved for generations to come, we must take steps to protect the right natural areas in the right ways.

Parks Canada works with Indigenous Peoples, federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, conservation organizations, industries, and all Canadians, to support the establishment and management of protected areas.

Tallurutiup Imanga/Lancaster Sound

Canada, Nunavut, and the Qikiqtani Inuit Association agree on a final boundary for Canada’s largest protected area.

Testing the waters: one advisor’s role in creating new National Marine Conservation Areas
Marine Areas Establishment Advisor Diane Blanchard has a unique role in helping create protected areas.
Pathway to Target 1
Planning is underway to conserve Canada’s biodiversity through a variety of different measures, including new parks and protected areas.
Creating new National Marine Conservation Areas
What’s the recipe for a new marine conservation area? A vision, a plan, a community... and years of perseverance.
Creating new National Parks
The goal of the National Park System Plan is to represent each of Canada’s 39 natural terrestrial regions.

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