Export assistance program

The Export assistance program aims to support the promotion and international marketing strategy of Canadian productions by providing financial support to Canadian and foreign distribution companies acquiring Canadian feature films for exploitation on selected territories.

Who can apply

Canadian and foreign distribution companies who acquire the rights to exploit one or more qualified Canadian productions on the eligible territories mentioned below between April 1st 2017 and March 31st, 2018.

Qualified Canadian productions

Qualified Canadian productions are Canadian feature films with a budget of less than or equal to $2.5M that received production assistance from Telefilm Canada between April 1st , 2015 and March 31st , 2016, and that are now market-ready. Please consult the list of qualified projects in the section Resources below.

Distribution companies must be able to carry out the effective exploitation of the qualified Canadian productions  in one of the following eligible territories:

  • “A” territories: China, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States
  • “B” territories: Argentina, Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), Brazil, Colombia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan

Overview of the program

  • For fiscal year starting April 1st, 2017 to March 31st, 2018, eligible distribution companies that have acquired a qualified Canadian production could receive financial support to cover costs relating to the promotional campaign for the theatrical release of the qualified productions (ex: Creation of a new trailer, advertising and marketing costs, airfare, subtitling, etc). A full list of eligible costs is provided below.
  • The combined maximum assistance per qualified Canadian production is $45,000.

Overview of the eligibility requirements

All applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • be a company that specializes in distribution (sales agents excluded)
  • have acquired the exploitation rights to one of the qualified Canadian productions in one or more of the eligible territories
  • have developed a marketing plan for the said qualified Canadian production in one or more of the eligible territories
  • commit to a theatrical release of the qualified Canadian production in one or more of the eligible territories
  • have the necessary expertise to successfully carry out the marketing plan

Recent updates

April 1, 2017


A new version of the Export Assistance Program guidelines is now available.

Program applications must be submitted online.

Key date

Application deadline

The Program remains open until funds, allocated on a “first-come, first-served” basis, are exhausted.

Contact persons

Atlantic region

Vanessa Manco

Toll free : 1-800-663-7771


Isabelle Picard

Toll free : 1-800-567-0890

Carmela Sciortino

Toll free : 1-800-567-0890

Ontario and Nunavut

Vanessa Manco

Toll free : 1-800-463-4607

Western region

Randall Fox

Toll free : 1-800-663-7771