Questions or feedback

To contact us if you're having problems navigating our Website, want to report a broken link or cannot find the information you're looking for, please contact us via email, standard mail, telephone or use the convenient form below!

If you have difficulty with the following form, you can use any of our other service channels to contact us. Please read the Personal Information Collection Statement before completing this form.

Website Issues

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What were the problems?

Desktop & Laptop Information

Please include the version and other clarifying details

Mobile Information

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Contact Information

Please provide information that we could use to contact you

Personal Information Collection Statement

All personal information created, held or collected by this department is protected under the Privacy Act. This means that you will be informed of the purpose for which it is being collected and how to exercise your right of access to that information. You will be asked for your consent where appropriate.

Public Communications

The transmission of this information is not secure so sensitive personal information, such as your Social Insurance Number, should not be included in your message.

If after reading this statement, you prefer not to submit your inquiry via the Internet, you may use one of the following methods:

By Telephone:
By Mail:
National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group - Public Affairs, National Defence Headquarters, Major-General Pearkes Building, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2
In Person at:
National Defence Headquarters, Major-General Pearkes Building, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2

Privacy inquiry

Any questions, comments, concerns or complaints regarding the administration of the Privacy Act and privacy policies may be directed to the departmental Privacy Coordinator by email to, by calling 613-992-0996 or writing to:

Place de Ville
17th Floor, Tower B
112 Kent St.
Ottawa, ON

If you are not satisfied with our response to your privacy concern, you may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner by e-mail at or by telephone at 1-800-282-1376.

You may use one of the following methods to contact us:

By E-mail:
By Telephone:
By Mail:
National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group - Public Affairs, National Defence Headquarters, Major-General Pearkes Building, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2
In Person at:
National Defence Headquarters, Major-General Pearkes Building, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2

Attention: Do you require a response?

If you require a response to your inquiry, or are looking for additional information, please be sure to check the “Please contact me if you require further details” box and fill out the “contact information” sheet. We cannot reply to your inquiry without this information.

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