Monique Marcotte

The Senior Executive Team (SET), lead by the President and CEO, manages CBC/Radio-Canada’s day-to-day operations. View SET organizational chart

  • Hubert T. Lacroix
  • Michel Bissonnette
  • Heather Conway
  • Sylvie Gadoury
  • Steve Guiton
  • Alex Johnston
  • Monique Marcotte
  • Judith Purves
Monique Marcotte

Monique Marcotte

Vice-President, People and Culture

Monique Marcotte was appointed Vice-President, People and Culture, on September 1st 2016.

She is responsible for delivering corporate human resources services and ensuring a positive relationship between management and employees. She works with all of CBC/Radio-Canada’s departments and employees, providing them with vital support throughout the rollout of Strategy 2020. Her focus will be on creating a corporate culture that is founded on mutual respect and cooperation, while ensuring that CBC/Radio-Canada remains a rewarding, progressive and diverse workplace that builds professional teams of innovative and highly skilled people dedicated to fulfilling our mission.

Ms. Marcotte has been with the Corporation for over 25 years. Before her appointment as Vice-President, People and Culture, she held the position of Executive Director, Strategy and Planning, in addition to several other executive director positions within the same component. For several years now she has also been responsible for the human resources of non-media groups, and more recently for the Media Technology and Infrastructure Services (MTIS) and Partner Services.

In addition to her rich and varied managerial experience, she also has an in-depth knowledge of the Corporation’s various business units. Over the course of her career, Ms. Marcotte has worked in human resources within Corporate Services in Ottawa, and for English Services in the West and Toronto. She began her career in 1988, as a manager for radio and television for French Services in Saskatchewan. This unique career path has informed her vision of CBC/Radio-Canada as a bilingual public broadcaster that reflects Canada’s regional diversity. In carrying out her duties as Vice-President, she will continue to connect with the Corporation’s employees and teams across the country.

Before joining CBC/Radio-Canada, Ms. Marcotte worked at the Federal Business Development Bank, which has now become the Business Development Bank of Canada. Holder of a bachelor of arts degree with great distinction from the University of Regina, she also studied law and administration.

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