President's Message

As CBC/Radio/Canada – along with the broadcasting industry as whole – continues to undergo unprecedented change, a thing that remains constant for us is our concern for the environment and our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint.

This focus is applied as we review and improve our business processes and manage the life cycle of our equipment and infrastructure. Not only are we striving to find new and better ways to connect with Canadians through programming on all platforms, we’re doing it with an eye on how to reduce energy consumption, emissions and waste, as well as on how to use new technology to lessen our impact on the environment.

This report provides the latest on our efforts to build a culture of environmental awareness and sustainability. I’m proud to see how, year over year, we continue to lower our demands in traditional areas like energy, air emissions and e-waste. This past year we also finalized the implementation of our Environmental Management System. This is a key system in the ongoing improvement and management of our environmental program; one that allows for better task management, enables accountability and increases process efficiencies, while managing environmental risks.

Also noteworthy are accomplishments in newer areas, such as the installation of electric car charging stations in our Montreal facility, the installation of state-of-the-art cooling infrastructure in our Halifax and Moncton worksites, and the continued replacement of old lighting equipment with new energy efficient LED fixtures.

Highlights are summed up in the Spotlight on environmental sustainability 2014-2015;, and more information and initiatives are detailed throughout this report. I invite you to review them and learn how CBC/Radio-Canada produces great content while playing its part to help preserve the environment and ensure a better future for Canadians.

Hubert T. Lacroix
President and CEO, CBC/Radio-Canada

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