Appendix A - Governance of Learning and Development Activities and Funding

The Learning and Development department collaborates with two governance bodies to establish CBC/Radio-Canada’s annual Learning and Development plan:

(1) National Learning Steering Committee (NLSC)

The NLSC is comprised of:

  • At least one representative of the Learning and Development department;
  • At least one Executive Director from each of the components;
  • The Executive Director, HR responsible for the component.

The NLSC validates and approves the consolidated learning and development plan for the Corporation and the funding level for each of the departments, as well as funding reserved for the Corporation’s national projects. The amounts are included in the Corporation’s Business Plan, which is presented to the Board of Directors for final approval. Once approved, the funds are released to the Vice-President, People and Culture, and are subsequently allocated to each of the components.

The NLSC meets three times a year to review and validate the learning and development activities and the Learning and Development Fund spending. The NLSC can hold a special meeting if amendments to the organization’s strategic learning and development plans are required during the fiscal year.

(2) Training Investment Steering Committees (TISCs)

Members of a TISC include representatives from the various departments in each media-oriented component.

The TISCs validate learning priorities and ensure that training fund allocations are spent according to their respective business priorities in each of the media-oriented components. TISCs meet a minimum of two times a year, however can hold a special meeting if amendments to the organization’s strategic learning and developmental plans are required.

Note: Learning priorities and fund allocations are developed separately for each Corporate service.

The Learning and Development department collaborates with two governance bodies to establish CBC/Radio-Canada’s annual Learning and Development plan:

(1) National Learning Steering Committee (NLSC)

The NLSC is comprised of:

  • At least one representative of the Learning and Development department;
  • At least one Executive Director from each of the components;
  • The Executive Director, HR responsible for the component.

The NLSC validates and approves the consolidated learning and development plan for the Corporation and the funding level for each of the departments, as well as funding reserved for the Corporation’s national projects. The amounts are included in the Corporation’s Business Plan, which is presented to the Board of Directors for final approval. Once approved, the funds are released to the Vice-President, People and Culture, and are subsequently allocated to each of the components.

The NLSC meets three times a year to review and validate the learning and development activities and the Learning and Development Fund spending. The NLSC can hold a special meeting if amendments to the organization’s strategic learning and development plans are required during the fiscal year.

(2) Training Investment Steering Committees (TISCs)

Members of a TISC include representatives from the various departments in each media-oriented component.

The TISCs validate learning priorities and ensure that training fund allocations are spent according to their respective business priorities in each of the media-oriented components. TISCs meet a minimum of two times a year, however can hold a special meeting if amendments to the organization’s strategic learning and developmental plans are required.

Note: Learning priorities and fund allocations are developed separately for each Corporate service.

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