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Destination 2025

VIA Rail's outstanding results and growth over the past two years have allowed us to begin thinking about how we want to position ourselves over the long term. We have started to develop VIA Rail’s strategic direction up to the year 2025 to lay the groundwork for future successes. Following several internal planning sessions and workshops with more than 100 executives, directors, and managers, VIA Rail created the roadmap for its future which we call Destination 2025. We have identified four strategic orientations that will guide our company in the coming years and help us fulfil our vision "to be a smarter way to move people" and our "passengers first" mission. They are:

  • Personalized – we will provide our customers, employees, and communities with an authentic and personalized experience
  • Connected – we will create innovative solutions and ideas to connect our passengers, employees, and assets
  • Collaborative – we will foster collaborative relationships that drive synergistic and mutually beneficial results
  • Sustainable – we will be a sustainable organization by capitalizing on advanced and modular technologies

These strategic orientations represent what VIA Rail wants to be in 2025. They are goals to strive towards to transform ourselves into a high-performance, customer-focused organization. Destination 2025 is the path to securing VIA Rail’s future and positioning ourselves as leaders in the passenger rail industry. See how you too can play a part in helping us reach our next destination!

Watch the video to learn more about the process behind Destination 2025.

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