Summary of expenses for Pierre Nollet

Period from January 1st to March 31, 2008

The Vice-President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, is responsible for 45 employees in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. In the execution of duties, this executive travels to regional offices to supervise and meet with employees, provide legal briefings/training and to interact with industry contacts. On occasion, he travels to the regions to brief employees on specific initiatives.

As an associate member of the European Broadcasters Union, this executive travels on behalf of CBC/Radio-Canada to attend the meetings of the Legal and Public Affairs Committee of the Union, once or twice a year.

The Vice-President is also required to attend Senior Executive Team meetings in Montreal, Toronto or Ottawa. He also attends meetings of the Corporation’s Board of Directors six times a year in different locations across the country.

Travel Entertainment Expenses

Date(s) Purpose(s) Cost(s)
2-3/01/2008 Ottawa: Weekly visit and meeting re. Business plan preparation $277.38
14-15/01/2008 Toronto: Briefing with President & CEO re. Toronto real estate project $1,032.84
22-23/01/2008 Ottawa: Briefing with President & CEO re. Broadcasting Act $275.30
29-30/01/2008 Ottawa: Weekly visit and meeting re. access to information $168.16
3-5/02/2008 Ottawa: Weekly visit and meeting re. the Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) $176.50
7/2/08 Ottawa: Funeral of son of Perrin Beatty, former President & CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada $193.17
10-11/02/2008 Ottawa: Weekly visit, staff meetings re. performance evaluation, and meeting re. business plan $185.75
24-26/02/2008 Ottawa: Weekly visit and staff meeting re. setting objectives $168.75
13-14/03/2008 Ottawa: Various meetings in his Ottawa office $246.30
17-19/03/2008 Toronto: CBC/Radio-Canada Board of Directors meetings $1,524.97
25-26/03/2008 Ottawa: Weekly visit and meetings re. Canadian Retransmission Right Association (CRRA) and business plan $255.30
Total $4,504.42

Duty Entertainment Expenses

Date(s) Event Description(s) Cost(s)
2/03/2008 Business lunch with a member of CBC/Radio-Canada's Board of Directors $55.65
Total $55.65
GRAND TOTAL $4,560.07

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