Documents released in answer to ATI requests of general interest

CBC/Radio-Canada became subject to the Access to Information Act on September 1, 2007. Since then the Corporation has responded to 2,336 access to information (ATI) requests and released 182,962 pages of documents.

In this section, the Corporation posts a wide range of documents released in our replies to ATI requests that we feel may be of interest to Canadians. To facilitate browsing, we’ve grouped them together by topic in reverse chronological order.

Please note that documents are posted in the language in which they were produced.

Some information in the posted records has been redacted under a specific exemption or exclusion provisions in the Access to Information Act. Exemptions allow for the protection of particular public or private interests (e.g. competitive information, third party proprietary information, personal information) and are applicable to information that is covered by the Act. Exclusions, meanwhile, define information to which the Act does not apply (e.g., material available for purchase by the public; Cabinet confidences; information that relates to our journalistic, creative, or programming activities).

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