Policy 1.1.30: Outside Requests for CBC/Radio-Canada Broadcast Material

Effective: July 6, 1994


From time to time the CBC/Radio-Canada receives requests from outside organizations and individuals for non-commercial use of audio/visual and script material carried on its facilities. 2


The CBC/Radio-Canada may accede to such requests under the following conditions:

  • that the requests are solely for the private, non-broadcast use of the material;
  • that prior reference is made to the appropriate corporate departments to ensure protection of copyright and potential sales or to resolve legal questions;
  • that, where necessary, costs incurred in meeting the requests are borne by the borrower,
  • that the conditions under which the material is made available are communicated to the recipient in writing at the time the material is supplied.

Instead of providing the requested material, the Corporation may require program material to be screened or auditioned on CBC/Radio-Canada premises.

Individuals, organizations or companies assisting with or participating in programs should not be promised films or tapes of those programs. Exceptions to this provision must have prior authorization from Program Management.


Program Directors, Business Affairs and International Sales are responsible for the implementation of this policy. Corporate Affairs, Public Affairs (Communications) and Government and External Relations (Communications), Head Office, co-ordinate replies to the CRTC, to embassies and Foreign Affairs, to Parliament and to other federal government departments.

1. Formerly designated Corporate Policy No. 17.
2. Requests for information and non-broadcast material are covered in Policy No. 2.1.5, Outside Requests for Information and Non-Broadcast Material.

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