Environmental Performance Report 2013-2014

Environmental Performance Report 2013-2014

In addition to our mandate of reaching out to Canadians with programming on all platforms, CBC/Radio-Canada strives to build a culture of environmental awareness and sustainability.

This report provides an overview of the new systems, programs and milestones that play a role in achieving this goal, which in turn helps ensure a better future for all Canadians.

Spotlight on environmental sustainability 2013-2014 (summary infographic)

Highlights from 2O13-2O14

Nationally we:

  • diverted 218.97 metric tonnes of e-waste from landfill, amounting to over 850 metric tonnes diverted over the last 5 years
  • decreased our air emissions by 9.54 per cent compared to last year, although energy consumption by square footage slightly increased by 2.17 per cent due to colder weather conditions
  • decreased water consumption by 12 per cent in our owned buildings
  • developed and implemented a new electronic Environmental Management System (EMS)

Regionally we:

  • diverted 15,275 kg of organic material and 680 kg of soft plastics from landfill in Vancouver
  • installed new LEDs in our Regina studio, replacing tungsten bulbs, resulting in a 93 per cent reduction in costs
  • reduced energy costs by 68 per cent at our Halifax worksite through a similar lighting program

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