Policy on Leave

Effective Date: April 1, 2016
Responsibility: Vice-President, People and Culture


This Policy applies to all CBC/Radio-Canada employees.

Governing policies and procedures for unionized employees found in the applicable collective agreements apply if they differ from this Policy and its subsidiary instruments.


To outline the leave entitlements of employees.


Disability: A physical or mental incapacity resulting from illness or injury that limits a person’s physical, psychological and/or social functioning.


CBC/Radio-Canada recognizes that employees may require absence from normal or usual work hours or scheduled work days. The Corporation respects the Canada Labour Code and provisions relating to both paid and unpaid leave, holidays and absence due to disability.


CBC/Radio-Canada grants the following types of leave in addition to holidays and leave related to disability:

  • Annual Leave
  • Special Leave
  • Leave Without Pay
  • Parental Leave
  • Deferred Salary Leave

CBC Radio-Canada grants unpaid leave as specified under the Canada Labour Code such as Compassionate Care Leave, Leave Related to Critical Illness or Leave Related to Death or Disappearance.

Additionally, in accordance with the applicable municipal, provincial, territorial and federal Elections Acts, CBC/Radio-Canada grants eligible voters time to vote while polls are open on Election Day.

Employees are responsible for seeking the appropriate approval for any leave request. They are also responsible for accurately recording in their attendance profile, in a timely manner, the amount of time and types of leave taken.

Managers are responsible for approving leave requests from their employees and for ensuring that their employee records appropriately reflect the amount of time and types of leave taken.

Unless otherwise indicated, the employee returns to the position he/she occupied prior to going on leave. If this is not possible, efforts will be taken to assign the employee to another comparable position that is appropriate to his/her skills and abilities in the same location, with at least the same salary and benefits as he/she would have had in the former position. In some situations, the employee may be required to take on different responsibilities or a different role upon his/her return.

If the employee does not return from an authorized leave on the planned return date, then the employee may be considered to have resigned or abandoned his/her employment with the Corporation effective the last day of the authorized period of absence.


CBC/Radio-Canada recognizes General Holidays as per the Canada Labour Code and grants employees time off with pay for such holidays. Payment of a holiday is as determined by the Canada Labour Code.

The Corporation may recognize other days as holidays at its discretion.

Disability Leave and Benefits

CBC/Radio-Canada has established the following benefit plans to maintain full or partial salary when an employee is unable to work because of disability resulting from illness or injury:

  • Short-Term Disability (STD)
  • Long-Term Disability (LTD)
  • Sick Leave
  • Special Short-Term Disability (SSTD)
  • Workplace Injury Leave

Eligibility for disability benefits under any of these plans depends on the employee’s conditions of employment.

The Corporation is entitled to request that an employee undergo an examination by a licensed medical physician of its choice, and at the Corporation’s expense, for any of the following reasons:

  • To establish the state of health of an employee;
  • To safeguard an employee against illness;
  • To determine the cause of excessive absenteeism.

An employee can request that the results of the medical examination be provided to his/her physician. The Corporation must send the request to the employee’s physician within 30 days of receiving the examination report.




This Policy replaces the Policy on Leave (2015).


All questions pertaining to the interpretation of this Policy should be referred to the local Human Resources office.


  • Appendix A – Group Benefits and Pension Participation During Specific Leave Periods

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