
IDRC funds projects that aim to bring employment, food security, health, peace, and prosperity to developing regions of the world. 

We offer grants, funding, and awards to researchers and institutions to search for answers to global development challenges. We invest in knowledge that will help

  • reduce poverty and inequity
  • promote employment and growth
  • help communities guard against climate impacts
  • encourage good governance and build strong policies
  • provide healthy futures for mothers and babies
  • leverage technology and innovation for growth

Our funding programs aim to generate, identify, and test creative ideas that can be scaled up to help larger numbers of people. We work with private and public sector actors who can help us implement solutions.

By bringing donor partners together to fund programs, we address a range of development challenges — from testing an Ebola vaccine to conducting research that will help countries adapt to climate change.

Through the projects we fund and the partnerships we forge, our goal remains the same — to create lasting global change.