Become a Parks Canada Youth Ambassador!


[Parks Canada beaver logo]

[Images of landscapes shown rapidly]

[No narration nor dialogue]

[Images of landscapes shown rapidly]

[Text: Become a Parks Canada Youth Ambassador] [Eva on a rock looking at icerbergs]

[A fish in a plastic bin]

[Kim looking at vikings illustrations on a door]

[An interpreter with young adults in the forest]

[A young man playing the guitar in front of a waterfall]

[Text: Explore our National Parks] [Eva on a rock looking at icerbergs]

[Text: like never before] [A lake filmed from a moving boat]

[Young adults sitting on rocks by the sea]

[Eva making a necklace]

[An aboriginal woman hitting her drums]

[Text: learn more about history] [An interpreter talks to Kim and Eva]

[Aboriginal people hitting their drums]

[Texte: in a whole new way] [Serving stew by a fire]

[Kim wearing a viking helmet]

[A young woman wearing an historical costume looses her hat]

[Text: Inspire people across the country] [Young adults with snow balls]

[Young adults on a mountain]

[Km with a fish in a plastic bin]

[A smiling young woman]

[Kim et Eva walking on a hill by the ocean]

[An interpreter and a young man]

[Eva taking a photo]

[Timelapse of the clouds on a lake and mountain]

[Text: Share your ideas] [Kim and Eva]

[A young woman talking to other youth]

[Text: and those of others] [Kim learning to play the aboriginal drum]

[An interpreter talks to Kim and Eva]

[Kim and Eva kayaking]

[Text: Apply today!]

[Contact us at YA.JA@PC.GC.CA]

[Text: #ParksLife]

[Parks Canada Logo]

[Text: Her Majesty the Queen in rights of Canada, Represented by Parks Canada, 2017.]

[Canada Logo]

Come experience Canada and make a difference!

Are you a young Canadian looking for adventure? Do you want to create the ultimate Canadian bucket list? Do you want to share your stories about your summer vacation, road trips or encounters and use them to inspire youth to seek out awesome experiences in their own back yard? If so, Parks Canada has the job for you!

As Parks Canada Youth Ambassadors, two young Canadians will be hired to inspire youth to get off track and discover and share all the awesome things that they can experience in Canada.

The adventures won't stop with the end of summer! In September, as part-time employees (approximately one day per week to the end of March), you will share your discoveries and experiences at organized events and activities to introduce and motivate your generation to discover Parks Canada.

Your questions are important to us. Contact us by email:

How to apply
Each year we seek out our next Youth Ambassadors to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime summer journey.
Apply until November 24, 2017