Join us again next year on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 8:30pm your local time.

Individuals, businesses and cities in 188 countries and territories worldwide joined Earth Hour 2019 to speak up for nature and inspire urgent action for the environment. As Earth Hour rolled around the globe, thousands of landmarks switched off their lights in solidarity for our planet. Through the global appeal of the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment, #EarthHour, #Connect2Earth and related hashtags trended in 26 countries as people across the globe generated over 2 billion impressions to show their concern for nature. Individuals pledged their support for the planet, challenging world leaders to push the preservation of nature up the global agenda. 

Pledge for the Planet



We're the first generation to know we are destroying our planet.

And we could be the last that can do anything about it.


Pledge now

Earth Hour 2019 - the first step towards making nature matter

This Saturday, 30 March at 8.30PM local time, is Earth Hour. The world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment grows another year older and will continue to unite millions of people around the world who take part in this annual celebration. Earth Hour 2019 with its campaign  ‘#Connect2Earth’ aims to build mass awareness on why nature is important and create an unstoppable movement for nature similar to when the world came together to tackle climate change.

Impact Beyond the Hour

Earth Hour, the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment, is set to once again unite millions of people around the world to show their commitment to the planet.

When nature thrives, so do we

Did you know that globally, nature provides services worth around $125 trillion a year? :O As we go about our daily lives, it’s easy to forget that we depend on nature for every single thing! From the very air we’re breathing right now, to the food we love, and the water we drink to quench our thirst, we simply can’t survive without nature and all that it provides.

Nothing natural about nature’s steep decline: WWF report reveals staggering extent of human impact on planet

Humanity and the way we feed, fuel and finance our societies and economies is pushing nature and the services that power and sustain us to the brink, according to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2018.