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Frequently Asked Questions

When are you accepting nominations?

The nomination period for 2017 runs from February 16 to April 28.

How do I submit a nomination?

See the Nominations page to find the eligibility criteria and entry forms for these award categories: Youth, Adult, Not-for-Profit Organization (Small and Medium), Not-for-Profit Organization (Large), Business (Small and Medium) and Business (Large).

Check the eligibility criteria and then fill out the form for the selected category. The application includes information about the candidate and a questionnaire.

Send the completed nomination form to awards@mus-nature.ca before April 28, 2017.

May I nominate myself? May I nominate someone else?

You may apply for yourself or your organization. You may also nominate someone else for any one of the categories, as long as the nominee meets the eligibility criteria presented on the Nominations page.

My supporting document files are too large to be emailed. What do I do?

Contact us at awards@mus-nature.ca. We will send you a link in Dropbox.com where you can upload your files, or you may use a file-sharing site of your choice, such as wetransfer.com, which is free.

What are the benefits of being a Nature Inspiration Awards finalist or winner?

Finalists and winners get national recognition and visibility. This includes publication of their name on the museum's website, in the print advertisements for the awards in our media partner publications (The Walrus and The Globe and Mail), on our social-media channels and in the Nature Inspiration Awards brochure (PDF).

Finalists and winners are invited to the gala event, to be held at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa in early November.

One Grand Prize of $5000 is presented to the winner of each category, which the winner may donate to the programme of his or her choice.

Will the supporting documents be used by the museum?

Yes, the museum will use the supporting documents for promotion of the Nature Inspiration Awards. This may include use of images, video and text.

I applied last year; may I apply again?

Yes, you may apply again unless that nominee (whether you or a third party) has already won an award. Winners must wait two years before being nominated again.

If you apply again, you may update your nomination form, and we recommend that you focus on a different project or initiative. The selection criteria described on the Nominations page will be evaluated the same way.

When will I know if I'm a finalist and if I won?

The finalists will receive an email notification by mid-September.

The winners in each category will be revealed at the gala dinner, to be held in early November at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa. Finalists and winners will be invited to this gala.

What can I expect at the gala awards dinner?

Finalists, winners and jury members are invited to the gala dinner at the Canadian Museum of Nature. This elegant event is also attended by government representatives, MPs, sponsors, donors and media.

The winners will be revealed that night, and a video produced by the museum that shows their achievements will be shown.

During the gala, finalists and winners may be interviewed by regional and national media.


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