Fall in love with nature.

#NatureForAll is a global movement to inspire love of nature and support its conservation.

Many studies have shown that time in nature makes us happier and healthier. It improves our mood and creates feelings of pleasure. We also know that the more people experience nature, the more they appreciate, love, and care for it.

However, the loss of connection to nature is having social and health impacts on Canadians.

1.1 million
Number of Canadians who have a Vitamin D deficiency
Decline in the radius of play for a nine-year-old since the 1970s
28% vs 58%
Proportion of today’s students that walk to school, compared to their parents

The time to rediscover our connection to nature locally, regionally and nationally is now.

Connecting with nature at a Parks Canada place

Research is proving again and again that nature is good for Canadians. And Canada's parks are some of the best places for Canadians to experience, connect with, and fall in love with nature. Parks Canada offers many ways to connect people with nature.

Get outdoors inspired with the Nature Playbook

The Nature Playbook includes ideas to get people outside. It can be as easy as taking a kid to the local park, or as ambitious as starting a new nature school. Anything goes!

Download your free copy or purchase a print copy.

Learn more about the global #NatureForAll movement

Join in the conversation on social media using the hashtag #NatureForAll

#NatureForAll is driven by an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)-led coalition of over a 150 partner organizations. Parks Canada is playing a leadership role in developing and implementing #NatureForAll.