Life at RMC

RMC St-Jean



RMCC Campus

RMC Campus

All officer cadets who enter the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) are enrolled in either the Regular Forces under the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) or the University Training Plan for Non-Commissioned Members (UTPNCM), or in the Reserve Forces under the Reserve Entry Training Plan (RETP).

All officer cadets enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are subject to the CAF Code of Service Discipline. As members of RMC's Cadet Wing, officer cadets are also subject to Cadet Wing Instructions (CADWINS). These orders and instructions regulate life at RMC and all cadets are required to both adhere to and enforce them.


Training Wing Command Team

The Director of Cadets with the Cadet Wing

The Director of Cadets with the Cadet Wing.

The Cadet Wing is part of the Training Wing which is commanded by the Director of Cadets (DCdts). DCdts is responsible to the Commandant RMC for the overall conduct, supervision, discipline and performance of the Cadet Wing. DCdts is assisted in his/her duties by the officers, Non-Commissioned Members and civilian staff of the Training Wing. The Division Commanders and Squadron Commanders of the Training Wing mentor, counsel and evaluate cadets. The Training Wing Staff are responsible for the officer cadets' military training including officership, physical fitness and drill. The Staff are available to answer cadet inquiries and provide advice on military matters.


Cadet Wing Organization

The Cadet Wing Chain of Authority is comprised of a Cadet Wing Headquarters led by the Cadet Wing Commander (CWC), a fourth year Cadet who exercises authority over the Cadet Wing (CW). The Cadet Wing is comprised of four divisions, each commanded by a fourth year Cadet Divisional Leader (CDL). Each division is comprised of three squadrons, each commanded by a fourth year Cadet Squadron Leader (CSL). Squadrons are comprised of a number of flights, each of which is led by a fourth year Cadet Flight Leader (CFL). Flights are comprised of a number of sections, each of which is commanded by a third year Cadet Section Commander (CSC). One of the squadrons (Otter Squadron) is a separate squadron comprised solely of students enrolled under the UTPNCM.

Cadet Wing Commander leads the parade in a feu de joie

Cadet Wing Commander leads the parade in a feu de joie.

In addition to command positions, senior officer cadets (Third and Fourth Years) also fill staff appointments within the Cadet Wing. Responsible for the discipline, progress, and efficiency of the Cadet Wing, senior cadets receive practical leadership training and experience. Cadets also organize and run an intramural sports program and carry out typical service duties such as Cadet Duty Officer (CDO).


Cadet Life at RMC

Cadet life at the College is comprised of four components; Academic, Bilingualism, Military, and Athletic. A Unit Environment is also integrated to the four components to allow the Cadets in getting exposed to CAF Unit's Processes and Policies. The art of time and priority management along with work/life balance is developed from the synergistic requirements of a Cadet to maintain a high standard in all four components, while at the same time accepting leadership roles that are part of a Unit Environment. Under the guidance of a professional military staff, the Cadet Wing functions as a Unit of the Canadian Armed Forces. This is done with a view to providing officer cadets with a working knowledge of how operational units within the CAF function so as to prepare them to assume leadership responsibilities in such units upon graduation. All of these components and skills are developed over four years to produce our mission goal: commissioning Officers Well Educated.


Mission: Officers + Well educated.

The 4 components: academic, bilingual, military, & athletic, mesh together to form the RMC Unit
Environment. These components are developed to a high standard while at RMC and used as tools to lead and succeed in the CAF.

Promoting "Know How:" To follow, to do, to lead and to succeed in a Unit context in the CAF.

Cadet Military Training

Officer Cadets work together to overcome the obstacle course

Officer Cadets work together to overcome the obstacle course.

The College is fully residential. Cadets (other than UTPNCM) live together in a military environment. All cadets are required to take part in a demanding routine designed to raise them to a high standard of physical fitness, drill, dress and deportment. Military training is designed to produce officers with a strong sense of: duty, integrity, loyalty, courage, self-discipline, self-confidence, and ésprit de corps.

Cadets are responsible for the planning, organization and execution of many routine RMC activities. This practical "hands-on" approach provides all cadets the opportunity to develop as leaders. Although physically and mentally demanding, training that subjects anyone to personal indignities, illegal punishments, harassment, or "hazing" in any form is not condoned.

All cadets entering the College, less those in the UTPNCM, must pass a number of milestones before being accepted as a full-fledged member of the Cadet Wing. The most significant milestone, the obstacle course, is normally run at the end of the First Year Orientation Period (FYOP). It is designed to prove to the First Year cadet that while obstacles may seem insurmountable they can in fact be overcome through a combination of teamwork, fitness, stamina and determination.



RMCC Cadets perform rifle drill

RMC Cadets perform rifle drill.

The Royal Military College of Canada is well known for the quality and diversity of its ceremonial drill. Reaching this high standard can only be gained through the hard work and dedication of each cadet.

Cadets are expected to reach and maintain a high standard of personal drill with the service rifle, colours, and the sword.

A practical test is administered annually to verify that the standard has been achieved. At many times during the year, the Royal Military College of Canada is called upon to provide formations of cadets for ceremonial occasions. Preparation for these tasks is usually done outside of normal duty hours.

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Daily Routine

Once classes start, the typical daily routine is as follows:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekends Note 5
0600 -0800 Reveille, Ablutions, Breakfast and other activities Note 1
0800 -0850 Period 1 Period 1 Professional Military Training (PMT) Period 1 Period 1  
0900 -0950 Period 2 Period 2 Period 2 Period 2  
1000 -1050 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3  
1100 -1150 Period 4 Period 4 Period 4 Period 4 Period 4  
1200 -1230 First Lunch Note 2
1200 -1250 Period 5 Period 5 Period 5 Period 5 Period 5  
1240 -1330 Period 6 Period 6 Period 6 Period 6 Period 6  
1300 -1330 Second Lunch Note 2
1340 -1430 Period 7 Period 7 Period 7 Period 7 Period 7  
1440 -1530 Period 8 Period 8 Period 8 Period 8 Period 8  
1540 -1630 Period 9 Period 9 Period 9 Period 9 Period 9  
1700 -1930 Dinner
1645 -2200 Varsity Practices / Games Note 3
1700 -2140 Academic Tutorials Note 4 Intramurals Recreation Clubs Intramurals    
1900 -2300 Study Time
2300 Lights Out


Weekend leave and evening passes to which an ROTP/RETP officer cadet is entitled may be restricted depending on performance and the demands of training and other duties. New first year officer cadets normally are not permitted leave until Thanksgiving Weekend in October.

Christmas leave for periods of up to three weeks is granted each year. In addition, a Reading Week occurs in February of each year.


All ROTP and RETP OCdts will be required to live on campus. Single rooms are normally provided for Fourth Year officer cadets. Other senior cadets are allocated single rooms on a space available basis. First Year officer cadets are quartered in double rooms. All residences are co-ed. On-campus dining is provided. Cadets of the UTPNCM program do not live in residence. Officer cadets who are married or have common-law status may request permission to live out.

Full recreational facilities, including an indoor swimming pool and ice rink, are situated in very close proximity to the College at the Kingston Military Community Sports Centre (KMCSC).

Cadet Mess


Cadets eating in the Cadet Dining Hall

Cadets eating in the Cadet Dining Hall

The Cadet Formal Mess

The Cadet Formal Mess


The RMC Cadet Mess provides facilities for the training of the Cadet Wing in the customs and practices of a Service Mess. The Mess is an integral part of College life.

The Cadet Mess' general administration is carried out by a Cadet Mess Committee with cadet representation from all years assisted by a staff advisor. The Cadet Mess functions in the same manner as a Service Officers' Mess, with cadets paying Mess dues and filling all Mess committee positions. The RMC Cadet Mess has its own constitution and by-laws where the responsibilities and privileges of its cadet members are explained.

RMC Band

The RMC Band marching across the LaSalle Causeway

The RMC Band marching across the LaSalle Causeway for the Annual Copper Sunday Parade

The Royal Military College Band provides a recreational outlet for cadets with musical interests. The RMC Band performs at College parades and functions (including the Spring Concert in Scarlet) and also participates in local, national and international events. The RMC Band is composed of five sections: the Pipes, the Drums, the Brass and Reed, the Highland Dancers and the Choir.

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Chaplain Services

The Chaplains - Protestant and Roman Catholic - conduct regular Sunday Services of Divine Worship. Officer Cadets and other College personnel and their families are invited to attend all regularly scheduled services.

While Bible Study groups and Padre's hours provide officer cadets with opportunities to interact with the Chaplains, the Chaplains are always available for individual counseling.

Canadian Forces Exchange - CANEX

The CANEX The CANEX has a small store located on campus where cadets can purchase personal articles, souvenirs, snacks and dry cleaning.

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