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Royal Military College of Canada

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Posts to Facebook and Twitter by the Royal Military College since November 2016

Did you Know?

Did you know?

(The RMC Crest appears)

(Text appears in the video along with old photographs of Colonel George Stanley)

Did you know? In 1964, the Dean of Arts at the time, Colonel, the Honourable F.G. Stanley, first suggested to then Member of Parliament for Leeds, Colonel the Honourable John R. Matheson, that the Royal Military College flag should form the basis for the national flag of Canada.

Did you know? In 1964, the Dean of Arts at the time, Colonel, the Honourable F.G. Stanley, first suggested to then Member of Parliament for Leeds, Colonel the Honourable John R. Matheson, that the Royal Military College flag should form the basis for the national flag of Canada.

(Canadian flag, waving)

Colonel Stanley proposed that within the centre of the flag should be a single red maple leaf instead of the college emblem, which was a mailed fist holding a sprig of green maples leaves.

(Photo of Royal Proclamation document)

His design was ultimately approved by Parliament and by Royal Proclamation to be the symbol of our nation.

(Canadian Flag, waving)

Canadian Armed Forces


© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Department of National Defence, 2017

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