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The Melba Angell Memorial Fund

© Canadian Museum of Nature


Melba Angell

The Canadian Museum of Nature is proud to honour the memory of Melba D. Angell through a memorial fund established in her name in 2013.

The $200 000 endowment is managed by the Community Foundation of Ottawa.

This fund recognizes the contribution of volunteers—like the contributions made by Melba—at the Canadian Museum of Nature over the past 40 years.

Each year, funds generated by the endowment are invested in developing the museum's volunteer programme through recruitment initiatives, training opportunities, recognition events and the purchase of new tools and equipment for our volunteers.

Melba was a devoted volunteer at the Canadian Museum of Nature. She began volunteering in the 1980s following more than 30 years of service with Bell Canada. Melba contributed countless hours working with Paul Hamilton in the museum's phycology lab. She did everything from preparing slides to curating our Algae Collection. Over 24 years as a volunteer, she processed more than 40 000 research samples collected from around the world.

The Canadian Museum of Nature cherishes the commitment shown by its 250 volunteers who share our singular passion for natural history.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can have an impact on the life and future of the Canadian Museum of Nature, please contact

Laura Evans
Director, Advancement