Poor mental health not only hurts the individual, it also impacts an organization's bottom line and ability to thrive. Having the support of their workplace can make a world of difference for workers with mental health issues.

Cost to Canadians - $50 billion on health care, lost time and work disruptions
30% of all short and long term disability claims

Workplace Benefits


and Growth



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Imagine working in a highly productive environment in which you feel safe, respected and valued; the work is challenging; the demands of the job are reasonable; you have work-life balance; and your employer supports your involvement in your work and interpersonal growth and development. This is what is known as a mentally healthy workplace.

Did you know only 23% of Canadians feel comfortable talking to their employer about their mental illness for fear of facing discrimination or dismissal
21.4% of the working population in Canada currently exprerience mental health problems and illnesses

Habits for mental fitness

Get Regular
physical activity

your diet

Ask for and
offer help

Practice relaxation

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There is no “right” way to create a mentally healthy workplace. Every workplace is different. Access tools that can help you get there.

Assembling the Pieces:

An implementation guide to the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, from the Canadian Standards Association.

National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace

A voluntary set of guidelines, tools and resources focused on promoting employees' psychological health and preventing psychological harm due to workplace factors.

Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints

A guide to making practical improvements for stress prevention in the workplace, developed by the International Labour Organization.

Measure Workplace Stress App website

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