Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Make sure this message sticks: bullying does not belong in the workplace.

Bullying is Not Part of the Job Sticker
Language: French | English
Size:  4.4 cm
1.7 in
Single item:  $1 CAD

* Single item price. Minimum order of 15 items applies.

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Product Description

Threats, constant or unjust criticism, intimidation, belittling, heckling, gossip, physical abuse - bullying behaviors are increasingly being recognized as a serious workplace problem that can cause undue stress, anxiety, and low morale among workers.

Hand out these stickers to reinforce the message that bullying is not part of the job.

Available in English and French, these stickers serve as a simple but strong reminder that bullying is not to be tolerated. Bullying behaviors should be reported to a designed authority in your workplace, supervisor, union representative, or someone who can help.

Note that a minimum order of 15 stickers is required.


Posters Also Available

We also have related Bullying is Not Part of the Job, Respect: Everyone Deserves It, and See Signs of Violence at Your Workplace? posters available as free PDF downloads or for purchase.


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