Trees in a forest.

Biodiversity Conservation for a Sustainable Future

Science Symposium

February 2, 2018: Documenting, understanding and conserving Canada's natural heritage. Attend or watch live online!

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Award of Merit

Landscapes of Canada Gardens

The 2017 Urban Design Awards from the City of Ottawa have honoured the Landscapes of Canada Gardens at the Canadian Museum of Nature with an Award of Merit, Public Places and Civic Spaces.

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International and National Leadership

Detail of the maquette for a steel sculpture of an iceberg, by Bill Lishman.


Nature Inspiration Awards

Find out about the award winners and their extraordinary achievements.

Canada's National Museums: As one of Canada's national museums we have a mandate to reflect who we are as a country. Canada is regarded worldwide as a peaceful and progressive country of enormous natural beauty, prosperity and generosity of spirit.

Reflecting this, there are now six national museum corporations in Canada that tell our country's story. These cover broad themes of human history, science and innovation, art, immigration, human rights, and of course, nature. They speak to what makes Canada Canada, and what identifies us as Canadians.

A reputation as strong as Canada's does not come freely; it is hard earned—earned through exploration, discovery, challenge, conflict, mistakes and victories.

Perhaps because of a national character that is famously unpretentious, unassuming and unprejudiced, Canada's story is often undeclared and, too often, unknown. And yet, it is a rich and interesting story. It would have to be.

At our national museums, our story is not just told, it is experienced. And, like our country, our national museums are of international first rank.

In this spirit of this international position, the Canadian Museum of Nature plays a role in enhancing and advancing Canada's reputation and position through its participation and leadership in national and international organizations with aligned values and purpose:

In addition, our research and collection staff members have leadership roles in professional communities, help improve science, and serve Canadians and others.

Staff members from across the museum use many channels to communicate and interact with the public. See selected examples of our national reach.

Recognizing the leadership of others, the museum annually presents its own Nature Inspiration Awards. These honours recognize outstanding individuals and organizations that inspire respect for and encourage stewardship of our natural world.